Babies: 0 - 3 Months

where can i return carters?

I have a few carters outfits that I got from gifts without receipts.  I don't even know who gave them to me to ask for the receipt.  Babies r us wouldn't take them back because they could tell it wasn't from their store.  It just has a basic carter's tag on it, no store name.  I don't care if I get store credit for them I just want to get them off my hands.

Re: where can i return carters?

  • Maybe...Carter's???

    Or TJ Maxx. I have a bunch of Carter's stuff from there, and let's face it, it's not like they're picky.

  • i didn't know they had stand alone carter stores...I'll have to look into it.
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  • I returned a few Carters outfits to Kohls.  They carry a ton of stuff and you might not get full price but you could get something.  We just had too many NB sizes that we wouldn't use.
  • The other option is to re-gift! (I'm guilty, I admit.)
  • There are a lot of stores who sell Carters stuff. I'd do what pp suggested though and re-gift them. We did that w/ a few things (mostly outfits we were given that we already had).
  • Same here - I have a feeling most of mine came from TJ Maxx, Marshall's or Ross. I don't think they will take them back w/out a store tag or receipt, though.
  • Yeah I regifted a lot too!  That's probably what I'll end up doing if I can't return them.  I know kihls has a specific kohls tag on all their clothes regardless of the brand, just like babies r us I guess.  That's how they know if it's their's or now.  All well.  Anyone need some 6 mo summner outfits??  (My girl is 2 mo and it's winter, what are people thinking???)
  • JCPenney's and Macy's both sell it, at least where I am at.
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