My DS has crying episodes every day. They do not last that long but they are several times a day. He will be happy for probably half hour to 45 min. after he eats and then he begins to fuss. Sometimes I can get him to go to sleep as soon as the fussiness begins but other times he will just start to wail and it will probably last for about half an hour. I dont know what to do b/c he has been fed, changed, burped. I try the swing, bouncy seat, just laying him down, rocking him and nothing works but it does not last for hours (knock on wood). Eventually he just stops and goes to sleep. How do you know if your baby is just fussy or if they are colicky? Also for those that do have fussy babies do you have any tips?
Re: Difference between fussy vs. colicky
I don't know how to tell the difference...I posted below asking the same thing.
One sure fire way to settle my girl down is by bringing her into the bathroom and turing on the tub. Within seconds she stops crying.
I think Colic is defined as 3 hours of crying, at least 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks.
White noise, swaddle, swing - any of the tips from Happiest Baby on the Block always helped us. Good luck.
Ditto pp--I think colic is 3+ hours of crying 3 or more days a week. But it's all just a matter of degree.
Happiest Baby on the Block techniques helped us. Especially swaddling. If all else fails, turn on the vacuum cleaner. It was like a magic switch for DS.
Hang in there. It's frustrating, but it usually goes away by 3-4 months if it's colic, earlier if it's not.
White noise helps with DD when she gets colicky. I'll run the vacuum for about 30 minutes (and bring out all the attachments- my house has never been so clean!). I've also heard of strapping the baby into its car seat and setting it (supervised, of course) on top of a running dryer or washing machine, but I haven't tried it.
I've had a couple bad days in the past few weeks. We started swaddling her again at night to get her to sleep longer. I've also figured out that we need to avoid taking her anywhere in the afternoons. The best time to get out and run errands for us is in the morning. She needs the afternoon to decompress. Also, I give her her baths in the late afternoons before a feeding. That really helps (plus, the sound of running water doesn't hurt).
Pick up HBOTB. GL!