Babies: 0 - 3 Months

When did your bf baby...

start pooing less? DD hasn't had a bm since Monday. I know bf babies can sometimes go a few days, but I didn't think it happened until later.

Also, she has been tooting a lot and pushing like she is constipated, but I googled it to see if there was somthing I could do to help her and everything says bf babies don't get constipated...just gas maybe?

Re: When did your bf baby...

  • Mine still goes everyday at least three times a day and usually twice at night!  I wish he'd slow down.
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  • I think she was around 6 weeks. 
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  • at 3 months she went from 8+ times a day to 3-5 times a day, overnight.  just last week at 4 months she started going 1 a day and has even missed 2 days out of the last 9.  i think she hung on to newborn poo habits much longer than most babies.
  • As their digestive tract matures, there will be a period when the poops lessen alot. Like from every feeding to once or twice a day. I think your DD is at that age....but I can't remember exactly when it happened for my DS. I do remember thinking that he was constipated and he actually went for a few days without a bowel movement.  The pedi said that as long as the stool is not formed or dry looking, there is no problem. Babies can go as long as a week as still be alright. HTH and you could always call your pedi if you become worried.
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  • he doesn't poop at every feeding, but def every day, a couple times a day.  He doesn't poop at night, which is great for me, i don't have to change him as much. 
  • Around 8 weeks she started going every other day, and has been spacing it out to every 3 days.   and hoo boy, are those scary diapers.  Indifferent

    also, her toots starting getting smelly around then too (like grown up stink vs. not so bad baby poop smell)

  • My DD still has about 3-4 poopy diapers a day.  She's never missed a day, and I think 3 is the least # of poopy diapers she's ever had in one day.  That said, my pedi said that up to 5 days w/o one is perfectly normal...
  • Mine only goes once a day, usually in the mornings. It is not a fun day if he doesn't go in the morning. He usually is fussy and constantly wants the boob to help him push, yet nothing will come out. The only thing I have found to work (naturally) is a warm bath. Every time he hasn't pooped and I put him in the warm tub, it all comes out! =)
  • at about 6 weeks he started having 1 enormous poop a day. A couple times he went a week between. It was freakin' horrifying.
  • 2 1/2 months. But then again, she pooped like 4 times yesterday. So she's kind of unpredictable.
  • DS was about a month when he started slowing down. He is now an every 6 day pooper. HE has increased gas as the days get closer to poop day........ Make sure you are close to clean diapers when it happens...... We stay home on the 6th day
    TTC #3 with PCOS. Long cycles, ovulate about 4-5 times a year Married 6/9/07 DS 7/15/08 Met RE 12/08 DD 6/2/10
  • mine now goes about 3x a day.. usually early on in the day and not usually during the night anymore.
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