Babies: 0 - 3 Months

another FFing Q

Ive been struggling to find the right amount for DS to eat. It seems like he's wayyyyy hungry all the time.

WHen you feed DC do they stop eating BEFORE bottle runs out? DC almost ALWAYS gets to the end of the bottle, and I have to take it away. His mouth still is ready to suck for a minute but Idk if its because he was just sucking or he's looking for more.

I am concerned because he's 1 month now and already at 4 oz a feeding....

Re: another FFing Q

  • I recieved one chart that said for FFing, your child should be around 4ozs by 1 month and then be taking an additional oz each month until they reach 8ozs.  Granted, it's always going to vary from baby to baby.  4 ozs at one month seems right on track.  DS was eatting that when he hit 1 month.  He always gets to the end of the bottle and still is ready to suck, but the biggest thing is he's fine afterwards.  I know he's still hungry when he will cry and starts to eat his hands.
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  • dd will stop eating when shes full, so if shes still sucking at an empty bottle i get her another ounce and go from 1 month she was taking anywhere from 2.5 to 4 oz a feeding and shes on the petite side, i wouldnt be concerned..HTH
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  • 4oz. is definitely a good amount, DD was eating that by 2 and a half weeks old! She's now eating 5oz. and I feel like I should move her up to 6, since she always finishes every single bottle without a problem... But at the same time, she seems satisified for a few hours until her next feeding, so I'm just gonna keep her at 5oz. for now, until she seems hungry more often!
  • If he is still sucking at the end of the bottle, I would offer him more.  Maybe just another two ounces and see how much more he eats.  You really don't need to worry about your DS overeating.  If he does, he will just puke it back up.  Trust DS did this a few times until he learned when he was full.  You can also try delaying your DS a few minutes by burping and making the extra formula.  Then, offering him another ounce or two.
  • We have been taking the bottle out of her mouth at 3-3.5 oz and burping her.  Then if she is satisfied and doesn't starting rooting and crying, we stop there.  Sometimes she needs a full 4 oz, sometimes she's satisfied at 3.

    But if I waited for her to stop eating before taking the bottle out of her mouth, she'd polish off a 4 oz bottle every time.

    We went to her 1 month checkup today and she was already 10lb 4oz (was 8lb 1oz at birth), so I was worried she was eating too much, but Dr. said she was in the 77th percentile and that she was doing fine and not overfed.  She just said to not use the bottle as a pacifier - to try changing her diaper, walking around, changing her positions - before giving her a bottle - just to make sure she really is hungry.

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  • At two weeks old, we were told to target 2 - 3 ounces for feeding, but not to stop her if she wants more. On occasion DD will take 4+ ounces.

    So if YS is taking 4 oz regularly at 1 month, that sounds about right from what I was told.
  • DD would take 4 oz every 3-4 hours at 1 month. She was up to 5 oz every 4 hours at 5-6 weeks and just the past few days has been taking 5.5-6 oz/feeding (3.5-4 hours apart).
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