This is the million dollar question. There's no time could go into labor the same day or several wks after you lose it. I lost mine about 4 days before I was induced..I'm not sure how much longer I still would have gone before going into labor.
i lost mine around 37 w and didn't deliver until 40w4d. about 6-8 hours before labor actually started, i had a ton of bloody show. that was my only sign of labor before hard contractions started a few hours later.
With my first, I lost it in early labor after having my membranes stripped. With my second, I never lost a mp that I could tell. Maybe I lost it in small pieces beforehand? I never had a bloody show. I actually couldn't believe I was really in labor because I had no signs other than contractions. I kept telling DH to stay at work and he finally got home three hours before the birth.
Lost mine in the morning and water broke later that day. I'd had contractions the night before, but I didn't know that's what it was. They started up again when my water broke.
Re: After losing mucus plug, how long til labor?
With my first, I lost it in early labor after having my membranes stripped. With my second, I never lost a mp that I could tell. Maybe I lost it in small pieces beforehand? I never had a bloody show. I actually couldn't believe I was really in labor because I had no signs other than contractions. I kept telling DH to stay at work and he finally got home three hours before the birth.
For me, that was the first sign of actual labor. My baby was born 12 hours later!
I didn't have any other prelabor signs.
I was induced at 41 weeks a week and a half after loosing mp
DD1 - july 2008
DD2 - may 2010
DS - sept 2012