Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Does your DC pull things over their face?

DD is constantly pulling blankets & even her bib over her face, or smushing her face into the mattress to get to sleep.  During naps I can pull the blanket away, but during the night I'm afraid she's going to sufficate.  Her favorite thing to do is lay face down with her forehead on her hands.  She is rolling from back to belly now & can turn herself over during the night even if I put her down on her back.  I like to sleep with the pillow over my eyes...I'm wondering if she gets it from me, but I'm scared she can't breathe!  Does anyone else's DC do this?
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Re: Does your DC pull things over their face?

  • DS isn't rolling over yet, but the big, blanket you name it is over his face that is the reason we stopped putting sleeping sacks on him, I would wake up and they were over his face and head.
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  • Mine constantly pulls bibs, blankets and burps cloths to his face.  I am letting him have it and just keeping and eye on him.  He looks like he is having a good time.
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  • I think this is pretty common.  Maybe it is a comfort thing.  she does it more during the day when she is awake, and i notice the other girls at daycare doing it too.
  • Yep. DD loves little blankets, loveys, taggies, etc over her face. I don;t worry too much anymore because she knows to move them and I don't think she's strong enough to sufficate herself with them.

    The things I let her do that with aren't big enough for her to become tangled in or stuck in.


  • DD does the same thing - she rolls over onto her tummy smushes her face into the mattress and puts her hands on her scares me to death but my sister and I noticed that she does have room to breathe when she puts her hands on her forehead b/c it puts space between her and the mattress. We have a video monitor and I am constantly waking up to check it.
  • Yeah, I figure it's a comfort thing.  She doesn't pull blankets on her face at night because I only sometimes use one & when I do I keep it tucked in at her waist, but she still sticks her face in the mattress, or she wiggles to the side of the bassinet & pushes her face against it! 
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  • Yes, it's clear DS likes to feel soft things on his face, lovey and blanket included. When he was 4 months, we had a scare (that involved 9-1-1) when he pulled the lovey over his face during a nap and wasn't breathing well. Pedi explained that while he CAN pull it off his face, his problem solving abilitites aren't good enough to indicate that he SHOULD pull it off his face. He now sleeps with nothing in his bed - no lovey, no blanket, not even bumpers because he was mashing his face in those too. I can tell he likes it, but it's just not worth the risk.
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