We waited until 6 months due to potential allergy issues and that I had read several places that it could affect supply (DS is BF) if started to early.
We actually completed skipped all the cereals (no nutrition) and started on fresh mashed banana.
I ran out to Target the second the pedi said it was "ok" to start ceral but he didn't recommend. Needless to say we fed DS once and the next day he was super gassy and I coupld tell he was uncomfortable. Another day later the poor thing pooped four times and it wan mucousy. I checked my what to expect book and this can happen when you start them on cereal. it did advise to give it to them for a week straight to help their little tummy used to it. We are going to try again during Thanksgiving since I have the whole week off.
We waited until 6 mo as well simply because of what I read regarding allergies and intestinal development (and I also heard it can affect milk supply which I wanted to hold off on as much as possible). She was also born a month early, so I knew her digestive system was even less developed.?
We waited until today! He JUST finished his first bowl of cereal and I think he was kind of Switzerland about it. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Anyway, I felt it was important to wait because we have allergy issues in DH's family and from what I've read/researched, it's best to wait a while to make sure their guts are "closed" and ready to digest solids. there are lots of signs to watch for to ensure that your baby is more ready for solids. As you know, it's not just about age. Here is an article on kellymom.com that I found very helpful:
We started closer to 5 months. We just waited until he seemed ready. He started to seem really hungry in the evenings and not satisfied so we started then.
our pedi doesn't recommend it before 5.5 months in breastfed babies, not exactly sure her reasoning...but we had planned to wait until 6 months anyways..
We got the same recommendation, but I felt strongly about DD being EBF for 6 months. There are numerous benefits to doing this. Kellymom.com has great information about the benefits. DD will be 6 months next week. I'm planning to start her on solids in the next couple weeks.
We haven't started yet. He's doing just fine on formula, and there's no nutritional need to start cereal. I think a lot of people tend to jump the gun and start too early. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. And honestly? It's sooo easy to just give him a bottle. Once you start solids it gets a little more complex!
Our pedi told us to start at 4 months but when I questioned him (since Health Canada says to wait until 6 months), he just shrugged and said its what he's always told parents but had no problems with us waiting. ?There are a number of reasons why 6 months may be more appropriate...the readiness of a baby's digestive system, reduced likelihood of potential allergies, etc. ?Also, one has to be careful not to replace much needed BM with solids and BM (or formula) are more critical to a young infant's growth before 6 months than solids.
We're starting on homemade brown rice cereal, avocado and banana.?
BTW, I would have skipped cereal altogether as well if it weren't for dh's allergy issues (but only because we waited until 6 months to start). I can't wait for him to try sweet potatoes and avacados! He'll only be on cereal for a few days then it's onto veggies!!
We're going to try today for the first time. ?The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive BF for the first 6 months but most pedi's give the ok for cereals starting at 4-6 months. ?There really is no major benefit to starting early but there is potential benefit to waiting (possibly avoiding food allergies). ?DH is really eager to try so I we're going to do the cereal but wait on other foods until 6 months.
Re: Anyone NOT start cereal at 4 months?
Our pedi told us we could start between 4-6 months, but we have decided to wait until at least 6 months because of DS's GI issues.
we started at 3.5 months for a few days and stopped. Pedi said we can start solids at 4 months. We BF too.
We have not started solids again yet! Maybe in a few weeks we will.
We waited until 6 months due to potential allergy issues and that I had read several places that it could affect supply (DS is BF) if started to early.
We actually completed skipped all the cereals (no nutrition) and started on fresh mashed banana.
We waited until today! He JUST finished his first bowl of cereal and I think he was kind of Switzerland about it. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. Anyway, I felt it was important to wait because we have allergy issues in DH's family and from what I've read/researched, it's best to wait a while to make sure their guts are "closed" and ready to digest solids. there are lots of signs to watch for to ensure that your baby is more ready for solids. As you know, it's not just about age. Here is an article on kellymom.com that I found very helpful:
Our pedi told us to start at 4 months but when I questioned him (since Health Canada says to wait until 6 months), he just shrugged and said its what he's always told parents but had no problems with us waiting. ?There are a number of reasons why 6 months may be more appropriate...the readiness of a baby's digestive system, reduced likelihood of potential allergies, etc. ?Also, one has to be careful not to replace much needed BM with solids and BM (or formula) are more critical to a young infant's growth before 6 months than solids.
We're starting on homemade brown rice cereal, avocado and banana.?
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