Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone use a Space Heater?

Our second floor is so darn cold at night... DH and I dont mind the chilly temp. But DS' room drops to 66 in the middle of the night. We try turning up the temp but the venting on our second floor just sucks. We also dress DS in layers. Last night I went to check on him and his hands were so cold I brought him in bed with us.

Anyone use a space heater? I havent used one since being at my grandma's house in the early 80's and they were setting houses on fire. Do they make them safer now? I'm so nervous to use one, but, we have to do something different to keep his room warm.

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Re: Anyone use a Space Heater?

  • I am so glad you asked this, I have the same problem in our second bedroom. The baby is in our room but by the time he is in his crib, it will still be winter and it is COLD in there even now.
  • they're still dangerous for use in a child's room. AND they use a LOT of electricity.

    I keep our house at 64 at night and I put socks on DS's hands to keep them warm. :)

    Momma to three boys: Henry - 4yo Alex - 18mo Jack - born 2/23/12 at 20w due to ruptured uterus (previa and accreta resulting in hysterectomy) He only lived here on Earth for an hour, but he will live in our hearts forever. m/c #1: sept '09, m/c #2: july '10
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  • I'd be too scared of fire to use one in DS's room.  Ditto the socks on the hands and dress DC in layers.
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  • We have been using one. It is a temperature regulated heater, so it shuts off when his room gets to 75 degrees. It's ceramic. Even with the heat set to 75 in our house, his space heater still kicks on and without it I think he's be way too cold.
  • We have several ceramic space heaters. I keep them on low and use them with the ceiling fan, so it circulates the heat and for some reason, the rooms don't become so dry from the heat. Never leave them on when you aren't home. We have three Lasko brand ones we purchased last year. They are really quiet and the outside of the heater doesn't get very warm to the touch like alot of heates do.
  • no way would i ever leave a baby w/ an unattended space heater.  Not worth it.  Can you wrap the windows?  You can save tons of heat that way!
  • I have one in DD's room, but I'm too freaked out to use it when she's sleeping... Instead I just turn it on for about 20 minutes before she goes to bed, and I keep the door closed... It heats the room up pretty well, and keeps it a little warmer overnight!
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