Babies: 0 - 3 Months

baby insomnia- she will not go to sleep

The past three or four nights out of desperation for sleep..we brought her into our bed which means ones of us still does not sleep.  We see the ped on Thuesday, so I am def going to mention this... anyone else have an insomniac?  she is teething, but we are  doing tylenol and orajel....I want to gove her a swig of scotch...just so she'll sleep....jk.
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Re: baby insomnia- she will not go to sleep

  • she's not an's just the 4 month wakeful period.
  • are you serious..this is a real thing>  oh thank god.
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  • yes this is a real thing...

    but beware it may last awhile....ds' has been on 2 weeks so far.

    fwiw, cosleeping is NOT a bad thing! 

  • we did co-sleep for her first month...then she took to the crib....I just googled 4 monyj wakeful pd.  thank god we were just come no one talks about this?  jeesh.  we guessed it was a separation thing.
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  • DD isn't 4 months yet but has been going through the same thing. She will not nap unless she just happens to fall asleep in her carrier.  She is laughing on my bed next to me and it is 11:20pm.  Last night she finally fell asleep at 1 and slept until 6:15.  I was exhausted and fed her and let her talk to herself until she fell asleep again for a little nap.
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