What made you switch formulas? Did your baby not drink the original one you tried? Did baby have some sort of reaction that made you think she couldn't tolerate the one you tried?
We switched recently from Enfamil Lipil to Target because it's so much cheaper and basically the same thing. My little guy doesn't seem to be picky at all when it comes to eating!
Aidan Jake 7/25/08
Cooper Cole 7/27/10
Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
nothing like that. hospital suplemented with enfamil lipil. i got home and had similac advance samples (like 5 of them). then my friend gave me 3 unopened cans that she had left over from her DS (back to enfamil lipil). then i ran out of those and had to buy formula. when i realized that the target generic was THE EXACT same thing as similac and enfamil (but they just gave more for less than half the price), i bought that. DS never had a problem with any of them. if he had, obviously i would never have bounced between the three....
We did for reflux relief, we have tried 4 formulas now... We are settled on Enfamil AR... but I did hear there was a target brand similar. My pedi is fine with us switching, as long as we taper off and taper on (3/4 old, 1/4 new, then 1/2 and 1/2 and so on)
Re: if you switched formula...question for you