Babies: 0 - 3 Months

? for BF moms who supplement w/ F

I don't know if it's a true supply issue, or DD is just really impatient and doesn't want to work for it, but several times a day (when my breats do not feel full to me) she gets very angry/frustrated while nursing and is perfectly happy when given a bottle. The problem is, I don't have enough pumped to meet her demands so I;ve been supplementing with formula.  Is the best way to do this to mix it w/ BM, or just give it straight?

Re: ? for BF moms who supplement w/ F

  • I'm working through a similar situation with DD. ?I give the BM separate because I want to make sure she drinks all of it. ?I worry if I mix the two together and she doesn't finish the bottle, the BM will go to waste. Every drop of BM I am able to pump is precious right now.?
  • smart thinking cappy - i feel ya - when there's 1/2 oz. left at the bottom of the bottle and DH goes to dump it out, I freak!
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  • I agree with the pp.  When we supplemented that's what we did.

    A tip from someone who's been there, if you aren't wanting to supplement, then stop.  Nurse as much as possible to up your supply.  The more bottles you give, the more she may become frustrated with having to work harder at the breast.  I hope everything works out for you!

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  • crackerjack - i thought of this, but what to do when baby is clearly hungry, yet screaming at the breast?  I've tried forcing her to "tough it out" so to speak, but she gets more and more frustrated.  DId you go thru this?  How many feeds until dd realized she didn't have a choice?


    Also, I've been pumping every time i give her a bottle to at least simulate the need for more milk... do you think that helps?

  • DONT mix them! because when you do and she doesn't finish it, you've wasted all the BM that was in there, and the nutrients and anti-bodies. With the winter coming she can get all the BM she can get. So try pumping more often, and giving her by bottle. But supplement with F if only she has finished the BM in the first place. If she is getting upset while BFing bc it seems like she isnt getting enough, it may be because she isnt latched on properly. Or she may be uncomfortable in the position. So try different positions (cradle, football, lying on side) and see if that helps at all first. Good luck! :)

     i just BF as long as they can handle (or as soon as they fuss), and if they are still hungry i supplement with F, and then pump right afterwards. That way by the next time they are hungry, i may have more milk and they will be satisfied more. if not, cycle continues.

  • Thanks for all the tips; DD and I are going through the same 'imptient at the breast' situation, so she's getting bottle-fed breastmilk. I'll try the laying on side position and see if that helps. We're still working at it, but she's only latching on once a day right now (in the afternoon when she's awake and calmer.)
  • We supplemented for about 1 week (last week) and did 1/2 formula and 1/2 BM. We mixed the two together and he took it just fine. If you are concerned about wasting your milk, just put in the bottle what you think she will take or a little less and if she wants more you can always just give her more.
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