I am wondering if anyone has been told by their doctor if it is normal or common for women who are exclusively pumping or bf to get their period. I would think it is not that common, but that could be just me holding on to false hope.
I have been bfing for 4 months and got my period at 6 weeks. ?My dr. told me that I *should* be able to rely on bfing for birth control. ?I'm on the mini pill because I do not want another little one right now. ?
I really think it's a total crapshoot. Some women get it back super-early and some don't. It is perfectly normal for it to be delayed when BFing, but you're certainly not guaranteed of anything. I got it back at 9 mo pp with DS and 6 mo pp with DD. Actually, it would have made more sense to have gotten it early with DS b/c he was STTN and on more solids at that point. Whereas DD is nowhere near STTN and hadn't even started solids when I got it back.
So...there's no way of knowing when it will return.
I am now on my 3rd aunt flow and DS is not even 4 months yet. ?My DS is huge and I EBF, so yeah it is strange. ?I called my doc the first time since I wasn't even 6 weeks pp yet, luckily he was super nice about it, but still I called my doc about getting my period. ?That said most bf mom's I know get several months without a period. ??
Thomas ~ 07/07/2008 ~ 8 lbs, 5 oz
What's in my camera bag: Nikon D5000, Kit Lens 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 35mm 1.8G, 50mm 1.8G, 85mm 1.8G, Tamron 28-75mm, SB 600 Speedlight
Global Developmental Delay consisting of a receptive language delay and self help skills delay
My doctor told me that less than 5% of women who exclusively breastfeed get their period before 6 months pp as long as their baby is still nursing at night and not STTN.
Kristen (7), Timothy (5), Robert (3), Charles (9 months)
Re: How common/uncommon is it for nursing Moms to get their period?
I really think it's a total crapshoot. Some women get it back super-early and some don't. It is perfectly normal for it to be delayed when BFing, but you're certainly not guaranteed of anything. I got it back at 9 mo pp with DS and 6 mo pp with DD. Actually, it would have made more sense to have gotten it early with DS b/c he was STTN and on more solids at that point. Whereas DD is nowhere near STTN and hadn't even started solids when I got it back.
So...there's no way of knowing when it will return.
I am now on my 3rd aunt flow and DS is not even 4 months yet. ?My DS is huge and I EBF, so yeah it is strange. ?I called my doc the first time since I wasn't even 6 weeks pp yet, luckily he was super nice about it, but still I called my doc about getting my period. ?That said most bf mom's I know get several months without a period. ??
Thomas ~ 07/07/2008 ~ 8 lbs, 5 oz
What's in my camera bag: Nikon D5000, Kit Lens 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 35mm 1.8G, 50mm 1.8G, 85mm 1.8G, Tamron 28-75mm, SB 600 Speedlight
Global Developmental Delay consisting of a receptive language delay and self help skills delay
Kristen (7), Timothy (5), Robert (3), Charles (9 months)