If you could offer advice/tips to a soon to be new mother on things you wish you had known what would they be? I am super nervous and clueless about caring for a newborn even though I have read books and all of that. I will take any advice/tips that anyone wants to throw out there.
Re: Tips?
1.ALWAYS trust your instinct. Trust me, you will feel it once your DC is here.
2. Give LOTS of love and hugs to DC
3. Always take someone's help when they offer it
4. When they tell you to rest when the baby rests....they ARE NOT kidding. Get your rest when you can.
5. Take lots of pictures. They really do grow fast.
Not sure if you plan on having an epidural. If you are, know that you may become completely numb from the waist down. You are suppose to be able to move your feet but I couldn't feel anything or move my feet. I was paranoid that I was paralyzed and it took a few hours before I was able to start to move them. I wish that someone warned me. As far as taking care of the baby, I know that it's a cliche but you will know what to do. I was surprised on how it easy it was for me to take care of DD especially since I was so was so afraid of newborns. I wouldn't pick up a baby unless they were a few months old. Good luck
1. Just because the baby sleeps all day, doesn't mean they won't sleep at night. Don't wake them up during the day. If they are sleeping, it is because they have to. If you wake them up, they will be worse off at night because of being overly tired. I wish I knew that.
2. Get yourself lots of sleepsacks. I love them at night. It is so easy to do diaper changings.
3. Don't use wipes at first. Viva papertowels and water are much better. I said F it and started using wipes because it was easier and my poor baby got the worst diaper rash. I felt horrible. Also, if you get one of those squirt bottles in the hospital, ask for extra. I fill it with water and keep it by the diapers for easy changings. Going to the sink every time is a PIA.
4. Lots of hugs and kisses!
5. Talk to baby all the time. DS in only a month and is reacting to me already and playing. I talk to him all day long.
6. Don't feel bad about getting angry in the middle of the night. I thought I was a horrible mother for saying, "shut UP!!!", but find that everyone can turn into a monster at 3am. Sometimes you need to get it out. Baby will not remember, and you will feel better.
Happiest Baby on the Block. We were able to rent the video from blockbuster online and I would recommend it to any new mom. It gives great techniques for calming a fussy or inconsolable baby. Doesn't work for everyone, but it has been a lifesaver for us and comes highly recommended on this board and elsewhere!