June 2012 Moms

Panera Rant...

Ugh... This morning I woke up to some killer RLP in my right side. I got to work early and decided that I would stop at Panera, as it is right across from my work. I was craving a 4 cheese souffle' like crazy.  The Panera has 2 different entrances, and it just so happened that Myself and a guy got in line at the same time.

 One of my weaknesses is that I am too nice sometimes. I told him to go ahead of me, which he did. He ordered a 4 cheese souffle' and a coffee. The register next to him opened up, and I ordered my Souffle', JUST TO HEAR the cashier tell him she just sold the last one to the guy that was ahead of me!! I was PISSED!  The guy ahead of me apologized, and I said "Well, it's not your fault, Panera should have more options at 8:30 in the morning!"


Crash Bandit
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Re: Panera Rant...

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    Ugh... This morning I woke up to some killer RLP in my right side. I got to work early and decided that I would stop at Panera, as it is right across from my work. I was craving a 4 cheese souffle' like crazy.  The Panera has 2 different entrances, and it just so happened that Myself and a guy got in line at the same time.

     One of my weaknesses is that I am too nice sometimes. I told him to go ahead of me, which he did. He ordered a 4 cheese souffle' and a coffee. The register next to him opened up, and I ordered my Souffle', JUST TO HEAR the cashier tell him she just sold the last one to the guy that was ahead of me!! I was PISSED!  The guy ahead of me apologized, and I said "Well, it's not your fault, Panera should have more options at 8:30 in the morning!"



    That sucks I'm sorry Sad I LOVE Panera's 4 cheese souffles they're delicious. I would have been upset too!

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    Ooooh! I would've been so mad! A similar thing happened to me in Starbucks the other day but it was a little girl ahead of me whose mom ordered her the last birthday cake pop. The little girl didn't want it and had a tantrum and threw it in the floor.

    5 second rule?  

    No. I left it there on the floor, but I wanted to pinch that little girl's ear for being such a brat. 

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    Oh that's so annoying! My face would've turned bright red.
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    And now I want Panera mac & cheese.


    DS#1- 7/2002

    DS#2- 6/2004

    DS#3- 9/2007

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    When I was pregnant with DD I would stop at Panera every Friday for a cinnamon crunch bagel and there was 2-3 times when I walked in at 8am and they were out...my pregnant self was crushed and I would walk out and not order anything else....then I would pout to McD's and get a cinnamon melt

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    And now I want Panera mac & cheese.



    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
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    When I was pregnant with DD I would stop at Panera every Friday for a cinnamon crunch bagel and there was 2-3 times when I walked in at 8am and they were out...my pregnant self was crushed and I would walk out and not order anything else....then I would pout to McD's and get a cinnamon melt

    Mmmmm... so craving a cinnamon crunch bagel and caramel latte.... pit stop in the morning? I think yes...

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