Babies: 0 - 3 Months

do you worry about how much dc eats?

DS is 12 weeks old (born 4 weeks early so 8 weeks adjusted) and eats between 3-4 oz each feeding and is a little bit under the 2.5x weight formula for the total amt in a day.  He's bottlefed and I keep thinking if I were breastfeeding I wouldn't know the exact amount he was getting so I wouldn't be stressing and I'm stressing myself out over nothing. He has enough wet diapers and is gaining weight.  Do you worry about it or keep close tabs on it?

Re: do you worry about how much dc eats?

  • I bf and still worry.. but as long as I see 6 or more wet diapers I am happy
  • No, I don't worry.  I breastfeed and DD is growing just fine, lots of wet diapers, and is generally happy.  I just feed her when she's hungry and figure she's smart enough to know when she's full!
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  • yep i still worry!  even when i give advice to other moms not worry i still worry about myself.  i breastfeed and he gets bottles of BM at daycare.  He's definitely on the lower end of the 25-32 ounce per day range, but he's happy, healthy, and gaining weight.
  • I've been thinking about this lately too and also worry... I add up roughly the oz she eats in a day and it's definitely not 2.5x's her weight...  But she's gaining weight fine and is perfectly healthy otherwise so...

    (DD was also born 2.5 wks early...)

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  • My DS had his 4 month checkup yesterday and weighed in at over 21 lbs!  I'm not going to worry about it anymore because he's obviously getting enough to eat.  I just worry now that I'll be able to make enough milk for him (he's EBF).
  • I've been worrying about it recently, because our bathroom scale says that DS hasn't gained any weight in 2 months.  It's notoriously inaccurate though (I can get 1-2 lbs different an hour apart without eating anything), so hopefully everything is fine! 
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