DS is 12 weeks old (born 4 weeks early so 8 weeks adjusted) and eats between 3-4 oz each feeding and is a little bit under the 2.5x weight formula for the total amt in a day. He's bottlefed and I keep thinking if I were breastfeeding I wouldn't know the exact amount he was getting so I wouldn't be stressing and I'm stressing myself out over nothing. He has enough wet diapers and is gaining weight. Do you worry about it or keep close tabs on it?
Re: do you worry about how much dc eats?
I've been thinking about this lately too and also worry... I add up roughly the oz she eats in a day and it's definitely not 2.5x's her weight... But she's gaining weight fine and is perfectly healthy otherwise so...
(DD was also born 2.5 wks early...)