Trying to Get Pregnant

GTKY: Cars


Re: GTKY: Cars

  • imageUnem:


    What kind of car do you drive? I drive a Hyundai Elantra. I love it but we are looking to get something bigger

    What's your dream car, and do you think you'll ever own one? Black bmw 323i

    After many years and tears our baby boy is finally here
    Born 11-6-10

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  • '08 Toyota Sequoia - that thing is a bus.  I kind of miss my convertible that I had before we bought this car.
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  • I have a 99 civic...I've had it since 2001, it has almost 200K miles on it and still going! 

    I will drive it until it dies (or have kids, whichever comes first) and then my dream car would be a Lexus RX-350...but I'll probably end up getting a CR-V.


    TTC since August 2011 (Me-29, DH-32).
    4/28/2012 - SA: 5% motility.
    5/21/2012 - SA: same results.
    Only shot is IVF (ICSI)
    5/31/2012 - HSG: all clear
    6/22/2012 - appt with RE, confirmed ICSI is necessary.
    8/3/2012 - First IVF Monitoring Appointment
    8/17/2012 - Egg Retrieval (retrieved 23 eggs, 3 made it to freezer)
    8/18/2012 - OHSS - hospitalized, need to wait one cycle to transfer embryo(s) due to OHSS
    8/29/2012 - begin meds for frozen cycle
    10/12/2012 - FET one embryo
    10/24/2012 - Beta #1: 442
    10/26/2012 - Beta #2: 947
    10/29/2012 - Beta #3: 2900!
    11/15/2012 - first u/s: baby measuring perfect, heart rate is right on target
    2/6/2013 - A/S looked perfect. Still team green by choice!
    7/6/2013 - Baby girl born after 44 hours of un-medicated labor, 2 hours of pushing, and emergency c-section due to transverse head.  DD was perfectly healthy at 6 pounds, 14 ounces.  We are thrilled!!
  • Mazda 3 and I love it.  I'm not really a car person so I don't have a dream car.

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    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Falling in Love!  November 2014
  • I drive a Chevy Impala.

    I don't really have a dream car (like what I would buy if I won the lotto) but I have dream cars I would like to realistically be able to afford one day.  Honestly right now it's just a newer Impala (mine is an 07) SS, all black with silver (chrome I guess) piping.....those are sweet looking and fast (faster than mine anyway)

    Lilypie - (fm2j)

    Lilypie - (YesX)

     My Pregnancy/Parenting BLOG TTC since 5/2011, BFP #1 12/3/11, M/C 12/7/11 @ 4wks 2d. Began seeing RE Sep 2012. October 2012 Metformin 1500 mg= ovulation on CD34 BFP#2 11/14/12 9DPO, EDD 7/26/13, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks, our angel born sleeping 3/24/13 @ 22wks 2d. BFP #3 7/4/13 8DPO EDD 3/22/14, DX Gestational Diabetes @14 wks. started insulin @16 wks.  Our rainbow, born 3/19/14 @ 39wks 6d., we're so in love!


  • imageThat Icy Snowflake:

    The Rabbit is essentially the same thing, only it doesn't have a Turbo in it. 
    I wouldn't recommend it though if he never gets to drive long distances or on the highway, it's not quite as fun confined to traffic in the city or with stops and lights and slower speed limits around every corner!


    That's kind of why he wants the GTI - because he loves his Rabbit, but wants more power! 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
  • I drive a Nissan Versa.  We wanted a compact that was good on gas, but with enough room for a carseat.  I love it! 

    My dream car . . . I have none.  After spending most of my 20's driving old beaters, I am just thrilled to finally own a car that isn't falling apart.


  • I drive a Ford Edge and really love it. My dream car would be either a Mercedes ML350 or an Audi Q5 or Q7.
    TTC #1 05/2011- 04/2012; TTA  05/12- 05/14 due to DH health problems, nursing school. TTC #1 (again) since 05/2014. CP 08/04/14 at 4w3d 

  • What kind of car do you drive? I drive a Kia Spectra. it's ok it gets me from point a to point b so no complaints here.


    What's your dream car, and do you think you'll ever own one? Dream car would be corvette and I highly doubt I will ever own one but who knows.

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  • I just got a dodge caliber, and I love it! I love the great gas mileage and the hatch back to store all my home visit stuff. And my husband can sit up straight in it, which he couldn't do in my Alero.

    DH has a dodge ram larime (not sure on the spelling). It's a four door, we love having it. And we also have a CA 60 Jeep that we use in the summer/fall. It's our toy :)

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  • I had a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited that I loved, but we just sold it and bought a 2006 Nissan Xterra. I really like it, but I do miss my jeep.

    My dream car is actually my dads car. I almost bought it from his friend, but my dad got it before I could get the money together. It needed a lot of work and was better off with my dad. 1969 Chevy Camaro.


    Photobucket Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
    After 18 cycles:1/12:50mg+Trigger+TI=BFP 2/20/12
  • I drive a light blue Scion xB (the new body style).
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  • I have a new Toyota Camry SE and it is my love!  My first ever new car Smile Now that it is cold I really love the heated seats!!

     DH tried to talk me into the Toyota Venza but it didn't seem roomy enough for a (hopefully) growing family.  Every time I pass one now I think wow, that is a good looking car! 

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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've got a Honda Fit and I am completely in love with it. I'm getting almost 40mpg! It's small, but has 4 doors and a hatchback, and the back seats can fold down to make a flat hatchback area, or the seat part folds up to make taller space (handy when I rented a carpet steamer and had to lug it home). My only complaint is that it's not very powerful - I'm often giving pep talks to the engine as we tackle hills. But for a commuter car, it's perfect.
    BFP #1 9/7/12. Loved for a month, and lost 10/11/12.
    Antijenic Drift - my blog
  • I currently own a Scion TC, but plan on purchasing a family car whenever I get KU (thinking a Toyota Highlander?). DH just bought a 2012 Hyundai Sonata that I drive whenever I can because it is a turbo and much faster than my car!

    Ideally, I would love a Porsche Cayenne Hybrid. 

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  • I drive a 2005 Chrysler 300. Dh picked it out and I hated it at first, but now I really like it. It has so much room in it! It's almost like torture to drive our truck places now. Haha! I would LOVE to get a corvette someday, but that will probably never happen. I think our next car will be a durango.
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  • I drive a dodge journey and I love it!!! I don't really have a dream car---I've just always wanted an SUV :) (always had teeny tiny cars, ha ha!)
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