Does anyone else ALWAYS have to wake their baby to eat? Mine never wakes up on his own, I always have to wake him up. He is 2 weeks old. I just feel like if he was hungry he would wake on his own but maybe he is still too little for that?
We had to wake her up until 4 weeks old. She never woke herself up hungry. I think some babies are more sleepy than others. She is almost 2 months and is just now waking herself up when she is hungry. Sometimes during the day she naps so long that I wake her up.
In the first weeks we had to wake him or he would sleep past 3 hours... that all changed pretty quickly now and I would love if he would sleep more than 2 hours in a row! ?He's 4 weeks now and sometimes eats every 1.5 hours even, always waking on his own. ?
Re: Waking DC for feeding