Baby Names

"Smooshed" Names - LIP

Now I know alot of people don't like smooshed/compound names on TB.. but i thought this link had a lot of nice smooshies :)


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Re: "Smooshed" Names - LIP

  • I just can't understand the popularity of "anally" names. They look pretty and seem like they'd BE pretty, until you realize you've named your daughter something that looks and sounds like "anally."
    Our Squishy - 8/21/12
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  • imagepunkrockabye:
    I just can't understand the popularity of "anally" names. They look pretty and seem like they'd BE pretty, until you realize you've named your daughter something that looks and sounds like "anally."


    Preach!  I'm glad I'm not the only gutter-mind who thought that about the Annalee names.  I just can't get behind (ha! bad pun) smoosh names; they just seem so unnatural, awkward, and painfully contrived to me.


    ETA: Also, Anneliese reminds me of "anal-ease" as well.  Not sure if that's a smoosh or not, but equally anal-ish to me.

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  • I feel like a lot of those suggestions don't flow well.  I find my mouth stumbling over them.  Why not just do double names instead?
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  • I thought a lot of them were ok, but Alexavier??? Holy complex of a name.


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  • Wrenelise was interesting. 

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  • Thanks for sharing, I found a girls name to add to our list that I never would of thought of!
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  • I was intrigued by Zoeeve, but in the end just scratched my head. How would you pronounce it?


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  • Smooshed names aren't new.  My 24 year old niece dated a boy in HS named Jeremicah. (Jeremiah and Micah smooshed). My guess was they couldn't agree so they compromised
    dd(Brianna) 11/01/94, ds(Bram)10/17/95, ds(Jesse)9/26/97, dd (Annie Ruth) 7/27/05 5mc Jan '08, May '08, Feb '09, Sept '09, Apr '11 "And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of vast eternity can fill it up." - Charles Dickens

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