Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Co-sleepers come in

School me, please. I never thought I would consider co-sleeping, but the more I learn about it, the more interested in it I am.

1. Where does DC sleep in your bed? Between you and DH? Do you swaddle, use the regular blankets, something else?

2. Did you plan to co-sleep or did you just do it because it was the only way DC slept?

3. How long do you think you'll keep it up?

4. What do you think of it?


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Re: Co-sleepers come in

  • 1. She slept in between DH and I in a Close and Secure Sleeper - it has hard sides and made us feel much more better about having her on the bed.

    2. Did not plan on it, but she wouldn't sleep in her bassinet at all.

    3. We only did it for about 2 weeks. Last night was her second night in her bassinet (right next to the bed).

    4. It was fine for a short period of time, but we did not want to do it long term. We only have a queen size bed and it was very crowded.

  • I don't cosleep all the time, but when dd is in our bed, I put her on my side. DH would roll over on her or try to use her as a pillow. and she's always swaddled.

    didn't plan it. i got more sleep that way before and now i just like to snuggle with her. :)  i usually put her in my bed in the am after dh leaves now to nap a little longer.

    i have no idea. she's not dependent on cosleeping, thank goodness. that i'm trying to avoid, but i have no problem with her sleeping with us here and there.

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  • dd sleeps between us. she has her own blanket and our comforter covers her legs. didn't plan anything...we did what felt right. dd's crib is in our room, she sleeps in there half the night most nights and then with us the other half, unless she is really cuddly then she sleeps with us all night!
  • imagek8elee03:

    School me, please. I never thought I would consider co-sleeping, but the more I learn about it, the more interested in it I am.

    1. Where does DC sleep in your bed? cuddled in the crook of my left arm.

    2. Did you plan to co-sleep? No, ds slept in crib from day 1, but dd prefers to co-sleep.

    3. How long do you think you'll keep it up? Probably until she moves around a lot, or whenever she's ready.  

    4. What do you think of it? I enjoy the time and closeness together, but I would never let dh do it...he's too heavy of a sleeper.


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  • 1. Between us and he is swaddled.

    2.  Not planned at all. He would not sleep in his bassinet or crib and still won't.  Been doing it since week 2.

    3.  we are going to try this weekend to move him to the crib. I will keep trying until 4 months.  Then I will sleep train.

    4. Its nice.  I am not into it until he is 2, but will do it for a couple of months if necessary.  I love having him there and it is much easier to BF.

  • 1.  DD sleeps in bed - both to my side and in between DH and me. 

    2.  We liked the idea of cosleeping, but did not start putting her in the bed with us until 2 months.  Before that she was in the Arms Reach cosleeper

     3.  I think until she starts rolling/twisting around in bed - very soon as she's already starting to squirm around.

    4.  I love it!  We get our bonding moments that I miss during the workday, she has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks old and she gets all her BM at night (she only drinks 10 oz. during the day)

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  • 1. She sleeps in between us, but she's closer to me (almost skin to skin).  I partially swaddle her from below her arms down b/c she freaks out if her arms are pinned in a swaddle and she's also in a sleep positioner to keep her secure.

    2. No, I never planned on it and was actually against it, but for the past week or so that's the only way she'll fall asleep and stay asleep for more than a few minutes. 

    3. I'm slowly trying to get her to sleep back in her PNP.  After feedings I'll put her back in the PNP and cross my fingers she'll fall asleep - sometimes she does, sometimes I have to put her back in bed with us.

    4. I'm not a big fan of it b/c 1) it keeps me from getting as much rest as I can b/c I'm scared I'll roll over on her and 2) I feel like if we keep this up that she'll only sleep in the bed w/ us and we'll have great difficulty weaning her of that bad habit. 

  • 1. Where does DC sleep in your bed? Between you and DH? Do you swaddle, use the regular blankets, something else? M-F she sleeps between me and the bedrail.  She gets an entire half of the bed to herself, although, she ends up scooching next to me by the end of the night.  When DH is home, she sleeps between us now.  If it's chilly, like last night, I put her in a sleeper and pull the blankets up on her.  Otherwise, she sleeps in a onesie or just her diaper because my body heat keeps her warm enough.

    2. Did you plan to co-sleep or did you just do it because it was the only way DC slept? We planned on it from the very start

    3. How long do you think you'll keep it up? We are planning on co-sleeping until she self weans to a bed.  We'd like to skip the crib all together.

    4. What do you think of it?I love it.  Some of my best memories are waking up and snuggling with my baby.  I love seeing her face buried in my side every morning and I love sleeping next to her at night.  She's only little once, and I love savoring it all.  We don't plan on having another baby, so this is it for us.  All of that being said, co-sleeping isn't for everyone and if it doesn't work for you, then don't worry.

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  • 1. Between me and the wall (we pushed our bed up to the wall).  DS & I just have a sheet. No comforter. 

    2. Never planned to do it.  It was the only way DS would get back to sleep, so it was really out of necessity.

    3. We're trying to transition now.  I think I'm the reason DS is waking up sometimes at night.

    4. It was great while it worked.  I loved waking up to him pawing at me ;)

    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
  • imagek8elee03:

    School me, please. I never thought I would consider co-sleeping, but the more I learn about it, the more interested in it I am.

    1. Where does DC sleep in your bed? Between you and DH? Do you swaddle, use the regular blankets, something else?

    On either side of me (we tend to fall asleep while nursing). ?We also have an arms reach cosleeper (my DS is over the weight limit for a bassinet), which is where we put him to bed at night since transfering him from his crib now wakes him up. ?We swaddle him still and wrap a blanket around him for when he is in his cosleeper. ?In our bed he just stays swaddled and we make sure to keep the covers off his face.

    2. Did you plan to co-sleep or did you just do it because it was the only way DC slept? ?

    We always planned on sharing our bedroom together, not our bed though. ?DS has been waking up 5 or 6 times a night to nurse lately, so cosleeping is the only way I get any sleep. Both my DH and I though have gotten used to cosleeping and now like it.?

    3. How long do you think you'll keep it up?

    As long as it makes sense to us. ?When DS is waking only once or twice a night it will be reasonable for me to wake up completely to feed him.?

    4. What do you think of it?

    Love it!!! I would not get any sleep if I did not, plus I love snuggling at night with the people that I love most.?


    Thomas ~ 07/07/2008 ~ 8 lbs, 5 oz

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  • 1. DS sleeps in his arm's reach cosleeper for most of the night, but in the morning he comes in to snuggle and for the first 5-6 weeks at home he slept with us.  He typically sleeps between me and the co-sleeper, occassionally between DH and me.  We swaddle (but we swaddle wherever he sleeps).

    2.  We weren't opposed but we didn't really plan on it.  When we finally brought him home from the NICU it just seemed like the right thing to do.

     3.  We've basically stopped doing it except for morning cuddles. 

    4.  I think it's great when it works for you.  It worked well for us for awhile but then I noticed I was having some hip pain and not sleeping as well from not rolling over.  The arm's reach co-sleeper is a good compromise because DS is still really close and I can put a hand on him very easily to soothe him.

  • 1. Where does DC sleep in your bed? Between you and DH? Do you swaddle, use the regular blankets, something else?

    DS goes to sleep for the night in his PnP in our room, then after his middle of the night feeding he sleeps in between DH and I. He's hated the swaddle from day one, so we don't use a swaddle, but we do us a Halo SleepSack, which we both love, and then I put our comforter over his legs. 

    2. Did you plan to co-sleep or did you just do it because it was the only way DC slept?  

    We planned on sharing our bedroom, but not our bed. In fact, I was kind of against it while I was pregnant  I absolutely love it now though.

    3. How long do you think you'll keep it up?

    I think I'll keep it up until he no longer needs his middle of the night feeding, and then if he wakes up in the middle of the night

    4. What do you think of it?

    I truly love it. It's my most favorite part of the night, feeling his delicious warmth and smallness against my body. I wouldn't trade those moments for anything in the world.

  • 1  He sleeps between us, swaddled. His head is up where ours is at, so our comforter covers his legs only. Sometimes if he is fighting the sleep I put him in the crook of my left arm kind of facing me. I give him his paci, there is enough light from the tv so that he can see me still and he goes to sleep FAST. The combo is like a big turkey dinner for him. =)

    I was totally against co-sleeping for the longest time. We have an Arms Reach Co-sleeper that I love too. He slept in there for the first few weeks. Then one night I couldn't get him to calm down, I was exhausted from having to wake up every. single. hour. I pulled him into bed with me, cuddled with him and didn't wake up for 4 whole hours! I was hooked. Now my DS sleeps 7 HOURS straight consistently. I know this is because of the co-sleeping. Needless to say I REALLY love it! We planned on moving DS to his own room when he outgrew the Arms Reach, so we are still planning on transitioning him around 4 months.

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