Upstate NY Babies

Who was doing the DIY wood kitchen?

Someone bought an old entertainment center or something to remake into a wood kitchen.. did you ever do it?  Want to see before/after!

Re: Who was doing the DIY wood kitchen?

  • telyco...I still maintain she's a bit crazy.  Stick out tongue
  • I was wondering how it went to since I talked DH into making our entertainment center into a kitchen this summer.
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  • Not the same thing but my Dad and Dh converted our Entertainment center into a long buffet. It is the heaviest thing ever and I don't know if it would work in another home. But I love it and it was a great way to re-purpose.
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  • imageMsZoeB:
    Not the same thing but my Dad and Dh converted our Entertainment center into a long buffet. It is the heaviest thing ever and I don't know if it would work in another home. But I love it and it was a great way to re-purpose.

    Interesting...picture? : )

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  • We didn't do the entertainment center one because the few I saw on craigslist and garage sales I was worried about cleanliness and smoke.  But we ended up just making the sink out of wood this summer.  We followed the ana-white website instructions. 



  • I will try and take a pic tonight.
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  • Mine isn't done. Is really close, though! I hope to have it done by Leah's birthday party on the 14th
  • Oh, and check out the young house love blog- they just posted today about making their daughter one for Xmas...not out of an entertainment center though.
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