My dr's office has suggested induction by 41 weeks due to my age (38 yrs). So we scheduled it for later today (I will be 41 weeks on Sat). I've reading about induction but rarely see maternal age listed as a reason for it.
Is anyone else in the same boat? Do you know of any good articles/citations that I could look at? Thanks!!
Re: AMA and induction question
My OB has said 41w due to being AMA, as well. I hemmed and hawed and argued and said, "you aren't inducing me at ALL." We came to an agreement that if the baby or me isn't under stress would could push it back to 42w and TALK at 41w since I'm barely AMA. I turn 35 at the end of March, and I'm due at the end of ay.
It also seems to me, that they're pushing 41w more frequently. But, I'm majorly anti-inducing, and I think it gets pushed too hard too often.
A normal, full term pregnancy is 38-42 weeks regardless of your age. Most OBs will order NSTs after 40 weeks to check on the health of the baby, as long as those are OK there is no reason to induce early. However, most OBs rush to induce for a variety of reasons, mostly CYA.
Inductions are step 1 in the escalation of interventions.
Trying to balance the risks vs benefits - and am reading a lot. So far, the major risks of waiting longer seem to be the baby ingesting meconium and placenta calcifying.
I wish this little guy would just come on his own today!
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