I am so frustrated with Nora lately. Anytime we go to a public place, she's horrid. She fights us and pushes the limit every.single.time. We even tried bribing her today. We told her that if she was good while we were shopping, she'd get a special treat. She thought it was a good idea at the time, but was bratty in the store. Obviously, she didn't get her treat. We try to talk to her about how she should behave before we even go in somewhere and then if she acts poorly, we talk to her again about not acting like that. I swear that I have a headache every night after dealing with temper tantrums and such all day long. It gets better someday, right? At least for a little bit??
Re: Who else is experiencing the "terrible twos?"
Ashlyn has been starting to do this on occasion. I still like to think it has more to do with her energy level, or if her molars are trying to come in that day.
I've tried every trick that I can think of when she does this. Sometimes, I'm "that" mom and will give her whatever just to shut her up. Other times, I'm just a mean mommy and it seems to make her worse. I'm not sure I have any good advice, but know that you're not alone!!!
Uh yeah. I was the mom holding the screaming kid in Target the other day. Not screaming because he was upset, just screaming to be loud. Oh yeah, and that was him that was rolling around on the ground near the entrance and refusing to get up.
I feel ya. This terrible twos thing is going to be the end of my sanity!
Umm, don't want to scare you but 3's are worse!!! Seriously though- my bf's son sees a developmental pedi due to autism, so she recently took advantage of his knowledge & asked him about her 2yo dd's tantrums. She has epic tantrums, usually in public & my friend is beyond frustrated.
The pedi said that it is a very normal phase (yeah, we knew that) & he also said that he really wouldn't bother 'talking' to her about it too much. He said that the best thing to do is ignore it as best you can, then as it's ending say something to wrap it up (ie. "Are you done now?" or something to that effect). He did say my friend was doing all the right things- ignoring as much as possible, leaving a store/situation as appropriate, etc. He also said that being consistent w/consequences is important- such as you mentioned above, not giving a treat when you said you wouldn't for bad behavior.
Personally, I've also found that ignoring a tantrum will usually make it end faster. They totally feed off of any attention you give to them. I'm hearing that 4's are pretty good & my oldest is about to be 4 so here's to hoping!