Cloth Diapering

First Time Mom

I am pregnant with our first child and I really want to use cloth diapers but have no idea which ones to buy. I am trying to go cheap because we are saving to move home to the States. I have heard BumGenius are amazing but they are soo expensive! I had someone recommend alva baby diapers but the site is written in broken english and they are from China and are ridiculously cheap so I am worried they may not work well. Can anyone tell me which brand they use and how well it has gone? Also how many covers and inserts should I have to start out with?
BabyName Ticker

Re: First Time Mom

  • Hi! Welcome to the board - if you keep lurking here, you will find lots of answers to your questions. I suggest you look up top on the board at the FAQs - most of your questions are answered there!

    But here's the quick and dirty:

    Pocket Diapers like Bum Genius ARE great - but they wont fit your baby at birth... Ususally they will fit around 10-12 lbs.

    I used fitteds and covers for my newborn - I had about 24 fitteds, and then 6 covers. The 6 covers was excessive, I prob. could have made do with 3.  

    Once your baby CAN fit into one-size diapers like Bum Genius - again, I think about 24 should be sufficient. However, most people will advise you not to buy all of your diapers from one brand - in case you dont like the fit.

    You may want to look into doing a trial from a diaper store like Jillians Drawers.

    The cost might be pricey up front, but it is a one-time cost to purchase the diapers. With disposables, yes you might pay less each time you buy, but that cost will add up into the THOUSANDS by the time your baby is Potty Trained. With CD's, if you buy used, or wait and slowly build a stash, you can diaper your baby for around $300-400 dollars - and can the use those diapers on for his/her siblings!

    For used diapers - look on your local craigslist, and spots corner on hyena cart.

  • Thanks! I am in south Korea so doing trials is tricky since things have to be shipped from my mom. it is a nightmare! But I am doing tons and tons of research on which ones comes the most recommended to me from friends that also use CD
    BabyName Ticker
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