
Extra Nook Simple Touch - keep it? (clicky)

DH's Nook died and since they stopped manufacturing the old one and it was still under warranty, they sent him a Simple Touch to replace it. For some reason, they actually sent him 2. DH offered to keep the 2nd one (and pay for it of course) and make that my Christmas present. I already have a regular Nook, but the Simple Touch is SO COOL. I would probably be able to sell mine on ebay or Craigslist. WWYD?

ETA: We would definitely pay for the 2nd one. He's calling today to let them know that they mistakenly sent 2.

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Re: Extra Nook Simple Touch - keep it? (clicky)

  • If you want it, keep it and PAY FOR IT.

    Things get more expensive for everyone when people take advantage of other people's mistakes.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Definitely call them, and who knows, maybe they'll offer it to you at a discount, since it was their mistake.  I ordered H a Movado watch back when we were dating, and they accidentally sent me THREE.  Man, I could have made a killing on ebay!  But, I called them, and they offered me a 40% discount, which is amazing, but what am I going to do with three of the exact same watch?

    $100 doesn't seem like very much, IMO, especially if that's his gift to you.  If you can recoup some of it by selling your old one, that's even better. 

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  • Call them.  They may tell you to keep it, or offer a big discount.  I ordered a balance bike a few years ago and they sent me two.  I called and they told me to keep it because it would cost them too much for shipping.  My nephew got a sweet (free) birthday gift!


  • Try to contact them. Ulta sent me an extra hairdryer once in addition to the flat iron I had ordered. I emailed them. I left them a voicemail. I called again and waited on hold for 5 minutes... And then got disconnected. Phhhht on that. I tried. I kept it. They never did return my call or my email.
    - Jena
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