Our last name is Forester. H likes the name Carter but I just don't think that sounds right with our last name. The -ter at the end of both names is throwing me off. Does it sound weird to you?
Maybe use it as a middle name with a simpler first name? James Carter Forester is just an example (James is my favorite name, so it's always what comes to mind when I need an example). It's all up to you, I went to school with a David Davis and a John Johnson.
We have an "er" last name and we've vetoed all "er" ending first names. Although Carter is a family name for us, and we would consider it as a middle name.
I agree with PP who suggested using James Carter Forester. It's a cute name.
TTC since June 2010.
DX hypothyroidism, pituitary hyperfunction, and PCOS.
On med/treatment break indefinitely. Not currently trying.
Lots of love to all of my Golden Girls!
The Vagtastic Voyage
Re: -ter first name with -ter last name?
My thoughts, too. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't over analyzing it.
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Get out of my brain! I had this exact same thought!
H's best friend's son's name. Carson is out.
We have an "er" last name and we've vetoed all "er" ending first names. Although Carter is a family name for us, and we would consider it as a middle name.
I say no for a first name.
Agreed. Carter as a mn wouldn't be bad though.
TTC since June 2010.
DX hypothyroidism, pituitary hyperfunction, and PCOS.
On med/treatment break indefinitely. Not currently trying.
Lots of love to all of my Golden Girls!
The Vagtastic Voyage
This is the same reason I won't pick names that end in "S". I think they sound weird with my last name which ends in S.
If you last name is as long as Forester then it doesn't sound bad. If you last name is short it would sound weird.