
only 19 weeks & already uncomfortable

This probably doesn't bode well for the next half of my pregnancy. I have a small frame and I already had a jacked up spine. I've gained about 16 pounds, and it literally feels like it's sitting on my belly and chest. My back is sore all the time. A friend who also had twins says it looks like I'm carrying high, and boy, I can feel it! It's already hard to breathe, and it feels like my belly is pressing against my ribs. Starting to worry in a couple of months I won't even be able to walk.


Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.

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Re: only 19 weeks & already uncomfortable

  • i totally hear you.  i'm about 18.5 weeks and i have a small frame as well.  i'm sure all this will be worth it in the end!
  • Ugh same here. Week 18 was when things really took a turn. I can't get comfortable- ever. I can't breathe. I can't sleep. I just keep reminding myself that it will be soooo worth it in the end but it is hard!
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  • I found that nothing really helped with the shortness of breath other than sitting up. For the back pain I made sure to sleep on a firm matress and have been going for weekly massages. I didn't think massage would make that big of a difference, but it made me a lot more comfortable!
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  • I'm sorry - it does suck. And you're right, in a couple months you may have a hard time walking!! Sorry, but it's true :) Last week, over thanksgiving, my hips hurt so bad one day that I couldn't even go up the stairs, and picking up my 27 lb DD actually brought tears to my eyes, it hurt so bad - I had to put her down right away :(

    Anyway, I've decided that it's just gonna suck for the next couple months, and then it will be over!! We just have to hang in there. The most comfortable position for me to help w/ breathing is being reclined and leaning toward my left side w/ a pillow under my belly. I use about 6 pillows to keep me propped up in bed. I would LOVE a recliner chair, but we've been spending so much $$ lately, I'm gonna have to do w/o.  I have a hard time sleeping, so benadryl has been helping a lot, but the down side is that it makes me groggy the next day (but my other option is to not take it, get no sleep, and still be drowsy).  Also, when I don't use benadryl, vicks actually works wonders w/ nasal congestion, if that's a problem for you.


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  • The second half of my pregnancy I took a bath every night to help with the aches and pains. It really helped, just make sure your DH is home to help you if you have problems getting out of the tub. Other than that, relax as much as you can, and my body pillow helped quite a bit at night too. On the really sore nights, my OB said it was ok for me to take 1 tylenol PM to help me sleep, and that helped as well, but I never used it more than once a week.
    TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer. 3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book. IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • thanks for the good advice in the pp, i'm going to take a bath now.... 

    my DH just looked over at the post and sweetly laughed of course your uncomfortable at 19 weeks your doing more work now with two in you then most women will ever do. 

    he also never lets me get out of the tub without him being there, i'm getting wobbly at 18 weeks.

    i'm 5 feet, he is 6'6"  small frames make it rough...

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  • You all are making me thank Sweet Baby Jesus that Im 6' tall with a really long torso (although Im slightly afraid that babies are like koi fish and will grow to the size of their tank..... which explains my 9lb6oz DS#1)
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  • i have a messed up spine too (scoliosis) so i saw a chiropractor every week. it helped a ton - i was expecting to have a lot of pain, and i ended up having none! 
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  • Thanks for the tips, y'all! Will look into: more pillows, tylenol PM/benadryl, baths, and possibly convincing hubby I *need* a massage.


    Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.

    my blog

    What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.

    Cloth diapering twins, Part II.

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  • Heck, I'm only 15 weeks, and I'm uncomfortable...mostly back problems, though. I'm short, so I have an idea breathing is going to become a problem as the weeks pass. Although, I feel like I'm carrying low...and I do have a wide/broad frame. So I hope not! I've  been seeing my chiro weekly and just got my first prenatal massage yesterday. I will be going back to one or both on a regular basis, because the sciatica is already unbearable. 
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