Anyone else have this problem?
DD loves her bath... But, as soon as we take her out and go to put on her diaper, pj's, etc... she just screams and screams! I was doing a massage with lotion after but it doesn't calm her and just prolongs the amount of time she ends up screaming so I've cut that out. We've tried warming up the towel... doesn't help. Tried DH talking to her while I get her dressed (which pisses her off but doesn't the rest of the day) only helps minimally.
I am hoping she outgrows this and is just happy after a nice bath. I am wondering if she is just getting too worked up that it's not even worth doing a bath as part of bedtime routine?
Re: After bath screaming fits...
? Voted Cool Cat ~ 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards ?
Nope, I don't think she is hungry. I've tried feeding her before and/or after. No difference. And it's not being overtired either because we've tried giving her a bath at different times after waking from her last nap... doesn't help.
I think she just HATES the shock of coming out of the nice warm bath... and then having to deal with diapering and getting dressed! Hopefully she outgrows it sooner than later!
I'm going through the exact same thing with my 3 month old son. I thought I was doing something wrong, because my MIL says he is fine when she gives him a bath. I've stopped putting lotion on him too. I put his diaper & onesie on & cuddle with a blanket for a few minutes. This is usually when he "talks" to me after he calms down. Then I put his sleeper on. It cuts out some of the screaming. Does anyone really notice a difference using the bedtime bath & lotion in comparison to the regular ones?
my daughter did the EXACT same thing for ages it seemed like.. as soon as i plucked her out of the bath she screamed like she was in the worst pain. nothing i did helped, feeding before, heating the bathroom, heating the towel, singing, nothing.
and then one day she just didn't scream getting out. and she hasn't screamed since... i haven't done anything differently. i think it was something she just grew out of. i know it sucks... but keep doing what you're doing. it will end eventually!