dd#1 didn't mind the car.... she didn't sleep but she didn't cry either. dd#2 is a different story! She is such a clam, chill, and content baby until she gets in the car. Then she screams.... the entire time. It makes for some awful driving. She doesn't really mind her car seat, bc she sits in it for walks... it's just the car.
Did anyone else have this problem and did you find a solution? Toys that hang from the handle? A mirror? We're desperate over here!!
Re: 3 month old still *hates* the car- has anything helped??
We've had some luck with this, especially now that he is using his hands more -
Radio static. DD1 HATED the car. The only thing that calmed her was radio static - we turned it up loud enough to drown out everything, and then as she started to quiet we gradually turned it down. Eventually she'd fall asleep and we could switch back to music.
Up until this week DD2 has been fine in the car. Monday she decided to scream like she was being tortured, so I turned on the static and she was out in 60 seconds.
DD1 Feb 2010
DD2 Sept 2011
Me too...