So my sweet DD just turned 3mo and there are days when she eats every 2 to 2.5 hours. I am feeding her 5 ozs everytime. There are days that she eats every 3-4 hours. Is it ok that she is not on a schedule?? She is sleeping 12-13 hours a night, that is a long time to not eat and I thought maybe that is why she craves food throughout the day or do I need to give her more oz's Please HELP!
Re: Still sometimes eating every 2 hours...???
It is perfectly fine that she doesn't eat the same about every day. Just think of this, do you eat the same amount every day? No, sometimes you might be more hungry than other days. Babies are too. And sometimes they are going throw growth spurts and need some extra too. You could try feeding her more during a feeding if she still seems hungry. But if she is satisfied after eating then she is getting enough and you have nothing to worry about.
My LO is EBF and she ate every two hours or less until about 5 months old. She still eats every 2 or 3 hours now. And she still wakes up 1 to 3 times a night to eat. Each baby is different so don't be concerned if she eats a little more some days.