Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Portrait Innovations

I'm thinking about using them for holiday photos and was wondering if anyone has used them before.  I like the idea of leaving with photos/cards in hands instead of ordering them.  Although I know this isn't a custom place I don't want "cheapy" looking photos.  I'm also considering Sears, JC Penny & Target as well.  What are your thoughts & experiences with these places and what would you recommend? 
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Re: Portrait Innovations

  • I've used Portrait Innovations several times. I highly recommend them. Yes, they're studio photos, which some people aren't a fan of...but I think they are great. I've always had a super positive experience there. I think we've been there at least 6 times now. I also went to Target. They sucked :P
  • We got family and DD holiday photos two weeks ago.  They were slammed with people, and we didn't get in until 30 minutes after our appointment time.  DD was all smiles while we were waiting and was passed out by the time we could pick out photos.  I've heard they are better during non-holiday times.  I would also go during a weekday morning next time.  I liked the poses and the pictures were good for the value.  I'm glad I said no to their "holiday" background, because now I see it in everyone's photos and know that they went to Portrait Innovations.  We only got pictures with the black or white background and DD wore a red dress to make it "holiday".

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  • We've had LO's pictures done there three times so far. We have had really good luck with them. The only thing I don't like is that it seems like they only like to use a few of the backdrops, so some of her pictures look the same (but with her at different ages).

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  • We have gone to PI and Target.  I think that anywhere you go during the holiday picture season is going to be packed and you need to be ready for that.  PI only allows one $9.95 package during a "promotional period" so we just did our family pictures at Target last weekend.  We waited quite a bit past our time slot but they are not pushy in selling their pictures which I like.  PI always insists on taking individual pics and poses you say aren't necessary hoping you will end up buying them.  Target has never pushed anything on me and we are in and out pretty quick.  We like PI since you can walk out with pictures in hand and you actually get more than Target for not much more.  Right now our PI is doing some special package for $14.99 that they told me about when I made DDs 6month picture apointment.  Overall I have been happy with my experience at both places.  They are definitely worth the $7.99-9.99 you spend for a bunch of pictures!
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  • We are going tomorrow. When I made the appointment she said to come in our "holiday outfits" because they use the holiday background first, then we can change DS's outfit if we want. I actually worked there for a weekend as a second job (I quit because we found out I was pregnant and I didn't want to work 7 days a week being pregnant) and I don't think their photos look cheap. And if you only pick one pose, you can get a ton of prints for $9.95. If you go, print this coupon.



  • I've had a good experience with Sears, but I didn't book holiday photos yet. I'm still waiting for DD to sit on her own. She can for a couple seconds and then starts to lean. I'd rather wait a bit longer to get some different poses. I'd also love a professional photo session, but those start at $200 for just an hour at the studio I like. Meanwhile, I used a camera on a tripod to get family pictures in front of our front door. We all wore Santa hats and they're corny, but perfect for holiday cards. I love to embarrass my DH :)
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  • Thanks for the input ladies.  I'm going to book during the week in the morning.  Hopefully we'll get to do some outfit changes.  I'll ask about the details when I set the appointment.  Thanks again!!
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  • We went a couple weekends ago and had a great experience.  I LOVE how our pics turned out!  We got in right away when we got there, and we did one outfit change.  They didn't spend a ton of time taking pics, but we got some great shots nonetheless.  Below are some of the pics.  (I took pics of the prints with my camera, so they're not great, but you get the idea).




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  • I've done both Portrait Innovations and JCP.  I liked leaving with pics in hand at Portrait Innovations, but thought they were overpriced and rarely had deals or coupons.  JCP is reasonable in price and good quality pics.  Only downfall for us is waiting almost a week for pics.  Our birth announcements at PI were $1 each and Christmas cards at JCP are only .49cents each.  I'll take the 50%price diff.

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  • We went on Wednesday. Our photos are similar to PP's. Here are a couple. They exceeded my expectations!






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