I'm 5'3 and have gained 45 lbs, and MISERABLE. I'm not saying I want to have this baby now, but I am really looking forward to my scheduled c-section in two weeks. With my son I just can't remember-- did you instantly feel better, once the baby was out? Meaning, was there instant relief to having some of that weight removed (literally)-- baby, placenta, fluid, etc? I know it takes weeks to lose majority of the weight, I am just so TIRED physically and emotionally. I feel like my body can't take make much, and really hoping I'll feel instantly better once this baby comes.
Re: Moms who recently had baby-- was the "relief" instant?!
Not even a little.
Between the incision pain and swelling up like crazy - I felt a lot worse.
This, my swelling took about 10 days to go away and I ended up gaining a pound because of it. As soon as the swelling went down, I was back down to my PP weight in 3 weeks, but I still have a swollen puffy area above my incision. I don't anticipate being back in my old clothes for a while.
I didn't swell up after I had my second son (though I had a VBAC with him, but I don't think it should matter?).
Even though I was tired and had to recover from DS2's birth (it's hard work no matter how they come out!), I did feel better not being pregnant anymore, even if my body wasn't its usual shape, etc. Hang in there, you're almost done!!
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
APS, hetero factor v leiden & MTHFR
bfp #1 - 12.11.07, edd 8.14.08, mm/c 1.21.08 (10w4d)
bfp #2 - 4.4.08, edd 12.3.08, mm/c 5.14.08 (11w)
bfp #3 - 8.3.08, edd 4.15.09, mm/c 9.17.08 (10w)
bfp #4 - 1.15.09, edd 9.26.09, mm/c 2.16.09 (8w2d)
bfp #5 - 6.16.09, edd 2.25.10, mm/c 7.23.09 (9w)
bfp #6 - 8.12.10, edd 4.27.11, mm/c 9.16.10 (8w1d)
one more try -> bfp #7 - 2.11, our miracle baby boy arrived 10.11
ttc again -> bfp #8 - 5.3.13, edd 1.13.14, mm/c 5.30.13 (7w3d)
I never had water retention issues during pregnancy, but all the fluids pumped into my body for the c-section had me horribly bloated. The worst was my legs and feet. They hurt so bad from the fluids.
During the last trimester, LO bruised my ribs on the right side due to him being frank breech with his head jammed into my ribcage. That pain was constant and so was all the pressure/gravity from carrying a baby. As soon as he was out, I felt like 15 lbs was lifted off my abdomen. My rib pain was significantly less painful, no more constant pressure and no bladder pressure. I remember telling DH in the OR moments after LO was born that I felt instant relief.
Granted, there are other things you don't get instant relief (soreness, bloating, aches/pains, etc), but those three things were at the top of my pregnancy sh!t list.
5lbs 9 oz, 18.5 inches long
6 months: 16lbs 15 oz, 27 inches long
I felt better right away, just a few hours after surgery. I did swell up with fluid retention that didn't go away until 11 days later, but I got 9 and half pounds of baby out of me without ripping my vagina to shreds, so my relief was instant. The worst pain of my c-section recovery was not nearly as bad as my strongest pitocin-induced labor contraction, and in three weeks I've lost 35 lbs.
I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in
Instant relief for me! From the moment she started pulling my baby out, I was like "Oh yeah! Keep pulling!!!" It felt so much better! I had been absolutely miserable, though. I'm short and not very big and I had what turned out to be a 10lb 14oz baby in there! I hadn't been able to breath, sleep, eat, walk or anything without pain in weeks! I thought the recovery was no biggie. Swelling, incision, whatever. All of it was better than those last two weeks of pregnancy!
Posting from an Android sorry for any errors
I would say, no. I was miserable while being VERY pregnant, but the recovery from a c-section while trying to take care of a newborn and learning to breastfeed...way worse and not easy at all.
Mom to Carter (6), and Calianne (1).
Proud VBAC, natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering momma!
I gained 25 lbs with my pregnancy and lost only 2lbs when I had my son. I had sooo much water weight.
Although there was giant relief of not being cervix punched.
Short answer is YES!
My first c-section was an emergency under general anesthesia after 72 hours of labor and I was trying to be a hero by not taking all of my pain meds so the pain was really horrid when I would have to get up to pee...which was every 15 minutes after they took the catheter out since I was pumped full of fluids while I was under anesthesia. Lesson learned: TAKE THE MEDS!
Second was a nice, calm, planned c-section with a spinal block and I had so little pain that I almost wanted to leave the hospital the day after I had my son. I did have *some* walking pain about 4 days after the c-section b/c I overdid it by walking around Target for an hour. But other than that, I took my meds as reccommended and did great.
Oh and I just saw you and I are the same height. I gained ~50lbs with each of my 2 kids (working on NOT gaining that much with this one) and let me tell you, the joint and pelvic pain was MISERABLE b/c of all the weight.
So even with all of the horrible incision pain with my first c-section (b/c I didn't take the meds like I was supposed to) the "overweight pain" was 100% instantly gone once the baby was out.
Ack! This is bringing back memories!!! It was painful to laugh for a few days after my first c-section and my dad kept telling jokes in my hospital room. I would shove a pillow onto my incision and laugh/cry. But with my second I don't remember any of that happening.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

I may be one of the few, but I didn't swell up at all after the surgery. I did feel much better after the surgery.
Good luck