Babies: 3 - 6 Months

4 month old - soooo many partial awakenings at night! normal?

Recently LO has been having so many (10? maybe more) partial awakenings at night. She has her eyes closed but is fussing and tossing her head. She's in a co-sleeper bassinet so we have to reach over and give her the binky, which usually puts her back to sleep. That only doesn't work 1 or 2 times a night, when I nurse her. 

Has anyone else dealt with this?  How can we get her to put herself back to sleep w/out the binky? She's in a Merlin Sleep Suit so she can get her hands to her mouth to self-soothe but she doesn't seem to do that. 

Could this be the 4 month wakeful period? She's super drooly so I thought maybe it could be teething? I'm so tired of waking up a million times a night just to reinsert the binky! 

 Help & advice appreciated!!  

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Re: 4 month old - soooo many partial awakenings at night! normal?

  • I don't have advice but we are going through the same thing. We just got back from a trip where she slept in the same room with us and she woke up 10+ times a night--most of it she still had her eyes closed but was fussing like you described. She didn't used to take a paci but we got her to start taking it for naps, then on our trip when she woke up and started fussing we would give her the paci and she'd go right back to sleep most times. It was fine for a few days until we realized maybe we were creating a paci addict! Now that we're home and she's in her own room it's getting harder to keep getting up and down to give her the paci every time she partially wakes up. I was thinking she wasn't sleeping well bc of being on vacation, but now I'm thinking it's the 4MW. I need sleep!
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  • We are in the same boat, right down to the sleep suit. :) He's been waking 10+ times a night recently. (He used to wake once to eat). Most of the time his eyes are closed while he is crying, but sometimes he fully awakes. I'm attributing all this to the 4mw, but who knows.
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  • O does the same thing but he's been doing this a couple of weeks now, usually I just let him fuss for a few minutes with his eyes close and he falls back asleep most of the time. If he doesn't after a few minutes, then I go and give him his paci then gently rub his head and hum very quietly so he falls back asleep. I'm hoping that by doing the head rub and humming that eventually I can get rid of the paci when it happens and he'll still calm down. Worth a try. 

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  • My guess is the 4mw.   My LO just seems to be getting past it but we went from 2x per night wakings to >4 and he'd need nursing each time.  It lasted ~2-3 weeks.  We're back to <3 night wakings now and occasionally back to 2.  I'm just hoping that I didn't start any bad habits.  He was a great sleeper prior to this so I'm hoping he's back to it by January when I go back to work.  GL!
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