Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Baby's first fall and Mommy has a broken toe :(

Oddly enough these things happened at the same time but were different incidences.

DS fell asleep in my arms so I put him in his swing for a nap.   Normally  I buckle him in but I didn't want to wake him up so I didn't plus I was going to be in the kitchen where I can see the swing so I wasn't too worried. 

I went into the pantry to get something and a can of tomato sauce fell on my toe.  About two seconds later I hear a cry and I go to check on DS and he is on his belly on the floor.  The second I pick him up he stops crying and has been acting completely fine.  

He's playing on the floor and laughing right now so I think he's ok.  My toe is bleeding, swollen, hurts like crazy and I can't move it.

So watch out for those swings ladies, I guess those safety buckles are there for a reason.



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Re: Baby's first fall and Mommy has a broken toe :(

  • Aw! I'm glad he's feeling okay. I bet your toe hurts worse. Hope you feel better!
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  • Double ouch!  Yes, I've noticed LO scoochin down in his so we buckle him in which goes over like a poop in a punch bowl. Oh well buddy, gotta do it. 
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  • Ouch! Hope your toe feels better! Glad baby is doing fine! Arianna keeps trying to roll over in her swing so I buckle her in now always..unlike DH who thinks as long as he's watching her she'll be fine...
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  • Yeah, we started strapping LO in when I noticed her trying to roll over in it about a week ago. Good thing I started doing that!
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  • I've always buckled my kids in, even as newborns when I knew they would not fall out.  Reason being habit.  I knew if I didn't make a habit of it, I'd forget to do it when they are older.  Now they are at the age where they would definitely fall out if not buckled.  They twist and turn in the swing and if it weren't for the belt, they'd be on the floor.  

    I also buckle them into their bouncy seats which are only a few inches above the ground...a good example was 2 days ago.  I had DS in his bouncy seat buckled in, he leaned forward (he can't sit up yet), and he would have fallen flat on his face if he wasn't be held back by the seatbelt.

     Your boy sounds totally fine, babies fall all the time. 

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  • Haha same thing happened to us (not the toe part though). DD was in the swing while I was doing chores. Then I took a break to sit in front of her and play with her, and I unbuckled her so I could tickle her better. After a bit of play time I heard my timer beep in the kitchen and got up to take the food out of the oven. Cue scream! I rushed back into the living room and she was face down on the floor quite a ways away from the swing and crying hysterically. The second I picked her up she stopped, so I know it was just a scare not a hurt. I called my DH (who was out in the yard tending the animals) and I cried when I told him about it. So DH checked her over and even checked her pupils for proper dilation lol (all of this to make me feel better) and then I held her for a long time telling her I was sorry. 
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