Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Does the 4mw end?

Those who have survived the 4 month wakeful...does it end? Just curious what to expect. We are on day 9. Our DS used to STTN, but even before he started doing that he would wake up to eat and then go right back down. Last night he was up 10+ times. I wonder if my good sleeper is ever going to come back! He's lucky he's so cute. :) Tell me about your experiences!
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Re: Does the 4mw end?

  • I know it's different for everyone but DD's lasted about a month (started at about 3.5 months and ended at about 4.5 months).  We still aren't STTN at a little over 6 months, but do about 12 hours with one wake up, which is fine by me.
  • DD never slept through the night, but I used to get at least a 6-8 hour stretch out of her.  We're on week 3 of getting up 4+ times per night.  I hope it ends soon!
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  • I don't know if we're going through a late 3-month growth spurt or an early 4mw. For the past week, LO has been up every 2-3 hours overnight and it's taken him at least an hour to fall asleep at the beginning of the night. And he's taking a full feeding each time. His naps are still the same (they always suck), but he is super fussy at the boob when feeding during the day. 

    For weeks he had been sleeping 12 hours with only one wake-up between 3 and 5 a.m. I really miss that baby. I'm running on fumes today... 

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  • Yeah, DS sucked down three 7 oz bottles last night! He used to only wake for one!
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  • I have not heard of this before! This is probably what is going on with my LO! She was a great sleeper, STTN since 3 weeks old and 2 weeks ago we started with the crib transition and the 1st week was rough, but then she got the hang of it and slept 11 hours one night and 9 the other then it has been downhill since. She doesn't wake to eat, she just wakes to wake. She is wearing me out waking 4, 5 and 6 times a night. 2 nights I have just given up and put her in her RnP next to my bed (thats where she was sleeping before). 

    I wonder also if I will ever get my wonderful sleeper back!  

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  • DD went through it for about 2 weeks, it was a fvery rough 2 weeks with her waking up every 20min to half hour. the only time she actually slept was when we were in the car or her mid morning nap. Now she's back STTN and taking wonderful naps. Hang in there it will be over sooner than you know it!
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  • DS was STTN since he was 2 weeks old.

    He started the night before he turned 4 months old...he is still not STTN.
    He started waking 5-8 times a night & he refused to take naps.

    It lasted a good month before we finally decided that it the "phase" NOT going to end & so we started sleep training.
    He still wakes anywhere between 3-5 times a night but he is napping, sleeping longer at night & going to sleep earlier....but it's been a very long road.

    Good luck!
  • Yeah, we're not ready to start sleep training yet... I figure he's still so young. Maybe if he's still doing this when he's 6 months or so...
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