Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Blood in stool

My LO has a little blood in her stool. It happened a few weeks ago, in two diapers and then was fine. Then again last night she had just a little. I can't find anything corresponding the two.

The first time, i had started her back on her vitiam drops ( she wasn't swallowing them before, so i had stopped until the dr. showed me how to get her to). I thought it might be from that, but I'm a terrible mom and get busy and sometimes forget to give them until she's already asleep, so the past few days i missed giving them to her. So they aren't causing the blood this time.

We did start on solids this week, and yesterday was day 3 of sweet potatoes. It was only one diaper, and not a lot of blood, but i'm still concerned. I'm calling Pedi in the morning, but any thoughts/ideas are aprreciated. TIA

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Re: Blood in stool

  • Blood in stool is usually a sign of allergy or intolerance to a food. I would bring in a poopy diaper when you see your pedi. You don't have to visibly see blood for there to be blood in her stool. 
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  • My DD had the same thing happen and the Pediatrician tested the contents of the diaper and said it was blood. I'm on a dairy and soy free diet and the last test came back negative, so it's probably an allergy. We're getting another appointment when the Pediatrician comes back from vacation. Meanwhile, I lost 2.5lbs in a week and a half from cutting out dairy and processed food (most contains soy). It wasn't fun on Thanksgiving, but my DD is healthier, so I'm happy. Definitely call the Pediatrician tomorrow.
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  • Thanks Ladies! I will definetly call in the morning. I wonder what it could be.I live off of milk and cheese, so I hope that isn't the culprit! other than that she is perfectly happy! No fever, and crankiness is only when shes tired.
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  • My DD had a little blood in her diaper when she had an anal fissure (small cut by her anus) after having been constipated a few days prior.  the pedi said to put butt paste on it. The bleeding stopped that day, and the fissure was healed in about 4 days.
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  • All what the ladies said so far. If it is allergy though, it is most likely dairy, soy or both allergy. I was living off of dairies, like you, and when DS was almost  months old we started noticing blood in his stool. I gave up dairy, soy and eggs completely. The poop become mustard yellow, but we were still seeing blood. I did loose ALL the pregnancy weight (that is nice), but I was frustrated with what could be the issue with my LO. Just about 10 days ago we see a GI. He was also very positive that it must be allergies since DS looks great (he is big for his age, and a very happy baby), so he suggested we try hypoallergenic formula for a week and see what happens. Well, no more blood in stool!!! I was pumping meanwhile to keep up the milk supply, but now I am weaning. I have no idea what food that I eat affects LO, and giving up all kinds of food on top of the previous restriction would have made my BM not as beneficial for my LO anyways. That was very hard, but now that I see DS is doing great, I feel a little better.

    In most cases the issue resolves once you go on dairy and soy free diet. I hope yours will be as simple. Good luck!  

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