Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Night Time Feedings

As I continue to try to gently create good night time sleeping patterns, I am curious how others are doing things (my LO is 12 1/2 weeks old and is currently getting up 2-3 times per night to feed):

1)  What time is bed time for your LO?

2)  What time do they wake for the day in the am?

3)  How many naps per day and how long is each nap?  If they are on a power nap, do you wake or let them go until they get up on their own?

4)  Do you do a dream feed before you go to bed?

5) What have you done to try to reduce and eliminate night time feedings in order ot gently create good sleeping patterns?

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Re: Night Time Feedings

  • imagekmpage28:

    As I continue to try to gently create good night time sleeping patterns, I am curious how others are doing things (my LO is 12 1/2 weeks old and is currently getting up 2-3 times per night to feed):

    1)  What time is bed time for your LO?  7 pm, unless he is a fussbucket, then before.

    2)  What time do they wake for the day in the am? 6-7 am

    3)  How many naps per day and how long is each nap?  If they are on a power nap, do you wake or let them go until they get up on their own? He rarely naps, but they are normally about 30-45 minutes long; he might do 3 a day.

    4)  Do you do a dream feed before you go to bed?  Nope, he normally wakes up for his first feeding when we are getting ready to go to bed.  I feed him and bring him into our room (he starts the night in his crib.)

    5) What have you done to try to reduce and eliminate night time feedings in order ot gently create good sleeping patterns?  I've tried to nurse him more during the day so he gets his calories in then, but that's about it. 

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  • 1) What time is bed time for your LO? Between 8 and 10, normally she'll go down at 9 on the dot but sometimes it fluctuates

    2) What time do they wake for the day in the am? Typically she's up between 7 and 8am. Sometimes we can get her to go down again until 10ish.

    3) How many naps per day and how long is each nap? If they are on a power nap, do you wake or let them go until they get up on their own? Lately it seems like she is always asleep. She usually falls asleep after nursing, then is out for about an hour, maybe two hours. I try to let her sleep as long as she wants/needs.

    4) Do you do a dream feed before you go to bed? Nope. I tried once and she was up for 4 hours. I just go to bed when she does

    5) What have you done to try to reduce and eliminate night time feedings in order ot gently create good sleeping patterns? She usually does pretty well herself. She'll feed and conk out around 9, then wake up around 2am, go back to sleep, up between 5-7am, then either be up or go down again until 10. We just keep the night feedings very no nonsense so up, diaper change, feed, cuddle and back down. Very little talking and no playing. she will usually just nurse hard for 10 minutes and go back down.

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  • 1)  What time is bed time for your LO? She is normally down for the night around 8. We follow her cues.

    2)  What time do they wake for the day in the am? Usually around 7 or 8, but she takes an early morning nap, which I think of as going back to bed :)

    3)  How many naps per day and how long is each nap?  If they are on a power nap, do you wake or let them go until they get up on their own? We let her determine this completely. It varies from day to day. Like I said, usually an early morning nap for about an hour, then an afternoon nap around lunch time, and another one or two in the late afternoon/early evening. Sometimes she seems like she's down for the night, but wakes up again an hour later, so that might be considered a late nap? Again, we just follow her cues. Unless we have to go somewhere, I don't disturb her sleep.

    4)  Do you do a dream feed before you go to bed? She nurses down and we bed share, so all her night feedings are dream feeds, for both of us!

    5) What have you done to try to reduce and eliminate night time feedings in order ot gently create good sleeping patterns? Nothing. We bed share, so I sleep great at night. We just try to create a solid night time routine (usually lotion, jammies, song, story, nurse) and then we are calm and soothing with her when she is tired, to help her get to sleep. She'll figure out her own sleeping patterns; we aren't worried about that at all.

  • 1)  What time is bed time for your LO?

     usually start his bath at 7:30p and he's down by 9-9:30p

    2)  What time do they wake for the day in the am?

    I have to get him up at 6:30a to get him ready for his babysitter & get me to work on time 

    3)  How many naps per day and how long is each nap?  If they are on a power nap, do you wake or let them go until they get up on their own? 

    my LO is a horrible napper, most are 45min and he goes down about every 1.5 - 2 hours and 2 is pushing it.  He's had the occasional 2-3 nap but those are super rare  

    4)  Do you do a dream feed before you go to bed?

    I tried that once and he would only take an ounce and still woke up at 3am 

    5) What have you done to try to reduce and eliminate night time feedings in order ot gently create good sleeping patterns?

    The more he can take during the day the better he will sleep. At 3 months he still gets up for a feeding at 3-4am.  Honestly I prefer the 2am if he's going to get up, that way I can get another hour or two of sleep before work.  I used his paci to push him to 4am, instead of feeding him at 1am when he acted hungry I slipped his paci in to see if it would work. It did and now he routinely gets up at 3-4am




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  • 1) Between 7-8pm

    2) Between 7-8am

    3) Her naps have been between an hour to 2 hours long.  I think she's teething so she's been super fussy & tired the last couple days.  I'll put her down for a nap 3 or 4 times a day, it just depends.

    4) I do a dream feed when I go to bed, usually around 10 or 11pm

    5)We bedshare and cosleep.  She goes down in our bed initially, after I dream feed I move her to the PNP.  She stays in there until 1am when she wakes and wants to nurse again.  I get her and bring her back to bed with me & we both sleep until she wakes again at 5am to nurse & up for the day at 7-7:30am.

    **Sometimes when I bring her to bed with me at 1am she likes to then wake up every.single.hour to nurse.  I'm not open all night.  If she wakes after 1am/before 5am, she goes back in her PNP

    **I really want/need to eliminate the 1am feeding.  She doesn't truly wake up, just fusses until I nurse her.  I'm just too overtired/lazy to work on it.  I know it would only take a couple nights but I value my sleep way too much right now

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  • imagekmpage28:

    As I continue to try to gently create good night time sleeping patterns, I am curious how others are doing things (my LO is 12 1/2 weeks old and is currently getting up 2-3 times per night to feed):

    1)  What time is bed time for your LO? 7-8pm. Depends on her last nap and her cues.

    2)  What time do they wake for the day in the am? 6-7 am

    3)  How many naps per day and how long is each nap?  If they are on a power nap, do you wake or let them go until they get up on their own? roughly 4 naps per day. They vary from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours.

    4)  Do you do a dream feed before you go to bed? nope

    5) What have you done to try to reduce and eliminate night time feedings in order to gently create good sleeping patterns? They're still so little at this age that I just do what she needs. If she needs to eat in the middle of the night, I feed her.

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  • imagekmpage28:

    As I continue to try to gently create good night time sleeping patterns, I am curious how others are doing things (my LO is 12 1/2 weeks old and is currently getting up 2-3 times per night to feed):

    1)  What time is bed time for your LO? between 7:40 and 8:30.

    2)  What time do they wake for the day in the am? Up at 5 when we get up but she has a bottle and goes back down until 7ish.

    3)  How many naps per day and how long is each nap?  If they are on a power nap, do you wake or let them go until they get up on their own? usually 3. One at 9ish, one at 12ish and one at 5ish. It depends on the day. Sometimes in the morning she'll sleep for hours. The afternoon is consistently about 45 minutes.  Somedays it's 10 minutes on all naps. She's not much of a napper. Her 5pm nap is always short, less than 1/2 hour. I don't wake sleeping babies.

    4)  Do you do a dream feed before you go to bed? No but I give her 4.5 oz. before bed instead of the usual 3.5.

    5) What have you done to try to reduce and eliminate night time feedings in order ot gently create good sleeping patterns? Nothing. She's a good sleeper at night naturally. She wakes up a few times a week for a bottle once and I give it to her. The kid is hungry and it gets us all back to bed. She's in a phase where she'd rather play than eat during the day, so I have no doubt she needs the food.

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