Babies: 3 - 6 Months

ugh i wanna blow up every car on the street

i had just got my daughter off to sleep in her crib when two stupid cars got into a gigantic honking war RIGHT OUTSIDE HER WINDOW.. i wish i had a grenade launcher because i would have blown them both up.  and of course now she's awake and crying/whining in her bed because she is tired, and i hope she can get herself back to sleep!!  ughhhhhh i am SO frustrated.  usually she's down and out, so this is as frustrating for her as it is for me.  i hate cars!
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Re: ugh i wanna blow up every car on the street

  • ugh i feel you! so many of the taxi's lay on their horn, and whenever there is a block in the street cars will literally honk for 5 minutes straight even though there are signs everywhere that say $350 penalty for honking the city never does anything about it
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  • I can relate... I live on a busy street and drivers are SO impatient! The good thing is that the nursery faces away from the busy street so at least it's quiet in there.

    Once, I was standing at an intersection waiting for a light to turn green and a car honked literally 4 feet away from us. DS was sleeping in the stroller and woke up screaming. I was so annoyed!

    image image
    D: Born 7.14.11
    Baby #2: BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
    O: Born 3.2.14 (med-free!)
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  • agghhhh i guess that's what i get for living on a main road, with a bus stop right in front of my house.. but its still so frustrating!  glad to hear at least i'm not the only one who wants to disable car horns.  wish i could enclose my apartment building in a soundproof bubble. 
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  • Arghhhh!!! I HATE that! We apparently live on the same block as Vin Diesel and the rest of the Fast & Furious crew!  Between the kids 2 houses down and the girls friends across the street, I can't catch a friggin break!  The kids 2 houses down are constantly working on their cars and race up and down our short block revving their engines right in front of our house.  The morons across the street have these stupid motor bikes that are the size of a bike made for a 2 yr old and quads that race and do doughnuts right in front of the house.  The older guy down the block has a really loud motorcycle that vibrates the whole damn house.  Like there's nowhere better to go race your cars and bikes than in front of my house?!  It always happens as SOON as I put B down for a nap!  I want to put those tack strips that the police use on either side of our house!


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  • omg, so annoying.. its like you don't realize how loud things are until there's a sleeping baby in the house.  i never noticed living in front of a bus stop until she was born!
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  • I feel your pain! Poor thing. I wish I could disable every car horn within 30 miles!
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