So, we are at this hotel for Thanksgiving (which I will not even get in to right now..) and I was trying to find the bedtime lotion for my son the night before last. I laid him right next to his (sleeping) dad in the middle of a King size bed and literally turned around for 15 seconds and heard a thump, followed by a screaming cry. DS who is almost 6 months old was on his back on the carpet, which is thankfully very soft. He cried for a few minutes then was fine. I'm still worried though. He has been eating fine and is mostly mannered the same but has been very fussy before nap/bedtime today (which is two nights later). We have been away from home for almost a week and I think he is teething because he is gnawing on everything. Should I go to the Dr when we get home? We checked his eyes afterward and mobility and it all looked perfect. I feel like such a bad mommy...I think I cried more than him. I hope he still feels safe with me..
Re: Ahh, baby fell off the bed!!! :(
My DS fell on the floor a few weeks ago. He decided to give himself a big swing to turn over and fell on his face. I never been so scared in my life. I went to the ER and they told me to look out for these signs : vomiting, lumps growing on his head, lack of interest in food, if he's acting out of the ordinary and if one side or both side of his body is functionning abnormally
After a few days, I don't think you should be worrying. It's a 48hr thing. Also, you've been away from home for a week, your baby probably misses the comfort of his own home. I know that when my DS is feeling off, he's always better at home. I don,t know it reassures him. Don't worry you're not a bad mommy, things like that happens to the best of us.
Here's my post from when my baby fell off the sofa:
A lot of women replied with their own stories, which made me feel a lot better since I was beating myself up about it. Don't be too hard on yourself, mistakes happen!