Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Ugh, I thought drowsy and awake was supposed to be easier for bedtime

So since day one, I've been BFing/rocking my babies to sleep for bedtime and they were napping in their bouncy seats.  They sleep in pack and play bassinets in our room at night but the last two weeks, they've been napping in their cribs AND putting themselves to sleep (YAY!!!) with minimal fussing.  We use a white noise machine in our room and in their rorom.  They are STTN but we are having a heck of a time getting them to go down on their on for bedtime.  We've been trying since Wednesday night.  We don't put them down together (even though they don't wake each other up during nap time), we've tried both of them individually each night and both of them are crying and so upset within just a few minutes.  I am not against CIO but they are too young for it right now so I stand outside my bedroom door and go in and get them when they start crying.  I thought it was supposed to be easier for bedtime than for naptime.  What are we doing wrong???
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Re: Ugh, I thought drowsy and awake was supposed to be easier for bedtime

  • We've also been trying drowsy but awake and we end up with a hot mess screaming baby.  I heard it's supposed to get easier, but we are on day 5, and it's not getting any easier.  I am trying desperately to figure out what DH and my mom (who watches him during the week) are doing differently so that we are all on board with drowsy but awake (clearly we aren't) because it definitely should be getting better.

    Maybe make sure everyone who cares for LO is doing things the same?  I also think I struggle because he nurses, so when he smells me he wants to nurse, hungry or not.

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  • imageLStorms:

    We've also been trying drowsy but awake and we end up with a hot mess screaming baby.  I heard it's supposed to get easier, but we are on day 5, and it's not getting any easier.  I am trying desperately to figure out what DH and my mom (who watches him during the week) are doing differently so that we are all on board with drowsy but awake (clearly we aren't) because it definitely should be getting better.

    Maybe make sure everyone who cares for LO is doing things the same?  I also think I struggle because he nurses, so when he smells me he wants to nurse, hungry or not.

    Sounds exactly like my LO!

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  • imageweebos8:

    We've also been trying drowsy but awake and we end up with a hot mess screaming baby.  I heard it's supposed to get easier, but we are on day 5, and it's not getting any easier.  I am trying desperately to figure out what DH and my mom (who watches him during the week) are doing differently so that we are all on board with drowsy but awake (clearly we aren't) because it definitely should be getting better.

    Maybe make sure everyone who cares for LO is doing things the same?  I also think I struggle because he nurses, so when he smells me he wants to nurse, hungry or not.

    Sounds exactly like my LO!

    Love love LOOOOVE your siggy pic, too cute :c)

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  • I have been doing drowsy but awake for bedtime since around 1 mo - 6 weeks and naps at about 2+ months, and it is still tricky. You may be opposed to doing a modified PU/PD method, some people don't like to give LO the idea he will be picked up if he cries, but after reading 'Sleep Sense' I have been trying it, basically I rock him standing next to the crib until he is doing the long blink / heavy eyes for a minute or so, whats works best for DS is a rock / jiggle, but do what works for you, then I put him down and say "its sleepytime baby" - the author of Sleep Sense suggests saying the same key phrase every time, not sure if it does anything. ;) I try to rub his head until his eyes close while shushing, but sometimes he fusses/ cries and won't give in, as soon as the fuss turns into a cry, she suggests picking them up, just until calm and drowsy again, then do it again.... the book chronicles some parents who had to repeat this 9-10 times in the beginning, but for us its never more than 2-3 times. I feel like the fussing combined with the shorts periods of rocking in between make it impossible for him to win, when he finally gives in he is so drowsy he just nods right off.  Keeping that in mind, while he goes down great, he still only naps for 45 mins - 1 hour lol... Not sure if you were looking for something easier than that, but I know with my little guy I can't just put him down and walk away just yet, he needs some help getting 'drowsy'. GL!!
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  • Just read OP again - this may be a little tricky with twins - oops!! ;)
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