Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Change in sleep question

I've heard of the 4 month wakeful period, but is it possible for a baby to hit it at 3 months? DD just turned 3 months and her sleep has totally changed at night. Went from one night waking and a good 9 hour stretch to 3-4 night wakings with 4 hours at a time max.  I've been a little extra stressed lately, but have been trying to relax more. I can't think of any reason this is happening. Any ideas or tips? TIA!
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Re: Change in sleep question

  • Could be a growth spurt. If she's hungry when she wakes up I bet that's what it is.
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    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • I could have written this post myself. DS has been like this since hitting the 3 month mark as well & I was wondering the same thing. He used to sleep great at night & give us a 6 hour stretch, another 4 hour stretch & then a 3 hour stretch, but then suddenly he was only going 2 hours tops! The last few nights have been a little bit better, but it's been almost 3 weeks of this now. I really hope it's the 4MW early because if it's not.....

     I can't imagine dealing with this for potentially another 5 weeks. Tongue Tied

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  • DD did the same thing. We went from one night waking to 4 at 3 months, then she cut back to 3 and the last few nights it has been 1 again, but I don't expect it to last. I am a member of a moms group and the facilitator used to be a sleep consultant and she always says sleep is not a linear progression, it comes in waves. So this too shall pass...
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  • I think it's totally normal for sleep patterns to change (unfortunately).  DD had been up only once or twice a night until about three weeks ago.  Now she is up 4-8 times a night.  Some nights it is every hour.  Ugh, I am a zombie.  No real advice, just know you are not alone and it won't last forever!
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