Babies: 3 - 6 Months

OT-Scrapbooking Die Cut Machines

I finally found the perfect scrapbook for Noah. I'm so excited to start scrapbooking his life. However, I'm trying to find new things to use to make it look more crafty and interesting. I have heard of these die cut machines, but I'm not quite sure what they are or how to use them. Are there any scrapbookers out that that can give me more information on these? Being that it's Black Friday, I might be able to find a good one on sale. Can you also recommend yours if you have one? TIA :)

Kristen Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: OT-Scrapbooking Die Cut Machines

  • One of my friends got one at Michaels and she loves it. You should put it on your Christmas list. They're pretty expensive probably even with the sale.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • Hi neighbor! (I'm in University Heights)

    I have a Cricut Expression, which I love.  I believe there are less expensive versions of the Cricut, but there are also more expensive versions.  I think it was on sale at JoAnn today for 159.99 (or somewhere in that area).  You have to buy cartridges that have fonts or themes to them.  I have one that is a beach theme, baby shower, Christmas, Mickey Mouse, etc.  There are pictures that you can cut out of scrapbook paper and affix into your scrapbooks.  I also use the machine for making cards, Christmas gift tags, and decorations for my classroom.

    Basically, you put the cartridge into the machine, place the overlay on the keyboard, and type in what you want to cut.  The machine I have takes 12x12 paper.  You can cut shapes as small as an inch or as large as about 11.5 inches.

    I could go on and on...if you have any questions, ask away.  DH was originally not too thrilled when I bought it because of the cost.  But he's seen how much I've used my machine over the past couple years and it has far made up for what I paid.


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  • We sure are neighbors!

    Thanks for all the info. I think I understand a little better now. Through the years, I have purchased stickers, paper and what not for scrapbooking, but I kept seeing these and hearing about them, but was unsure! Sounds like it makes the page look more creative. How much do the cartridges normally cost? Do they have special cartridges for each brand of machine? I get emails through Joann Fabrics and they have them on sale or I have a 50% coupon I can use. I'm thinking about getting one today, but was curious about the machine and the cartridges. When I was looking online I saw the cartridges priced at $ this the norm?

    Thanks again!

    Kristen Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageKristenr7:

    We sure are neighbors!

    Thanks for all the info. I think I understand a little better now. Through the years, I have purchased stickers, paper and what not for scrapbooking, but I kept seeing these and hearing about them, but was unsure! Sounds like it makes the page look more creative. How much do the cartridges normally cost? Do they have special cartridges for each brand of machine? I get emails through Joann Fabrics and they have them on sale or I have a 50% coupon I can use. I'm thinking about getting one today, but was curious about the machine and the cartridges. When I was looking online I saw the cartridges priced at $ this the norm?

    Thanks again!

    Yes, that is the normal price for cartirdges, but keep in mind that I have never paid full price for a cartridge.  Ever.  I get them off ebay and I'm generally able to get them in the $30-$35 range.  That's why I don't go crazy buying every cartridge that comes out.  I buy the ones I know I will get a ton of use from.

    At Joann, you can use the coupons on accessories (you'll need a cutting mat and a couple tools to get your shapes off the mat), but you can't use them on cartridges or machines.  I know that JoAnn has them on sale today.  At Michael's, you can't use coupons for anything Cricut related.

    I forgot to tell you, what I love more than the shapes you can cut out are all the fonts you can create.  It gets very expensive to buy stickers every time you want to put words on a page.  I have a cartridge called Lyrical Letters and one called Alphalicious.  I love being able to type in any letters I want and cut them out in any color I want (and in any size I want!)  I'll try to post a couple pics of pages I've done with my Cricut in an 8x8 album, but I am definitely not an expert scrapbooker. Big Smile  The fonts are all cut with my Cricut.




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