My LO is almost 4 mos old - he is a belly sleeper (not sure if this has anything to do w/ it). I have to change his PJs and his sheets EVERY SINGLE morning b/c he is soaked with pee
He is wearing size 2 diapers now - recently switched. I have tried huggies & pampers swaddlers.
Its killing me!!! between his reflux and pee we go through 3 outfits a day
Re: HELP!!!!!! LO pees through diapers EVERY NIGHT
I'm sorry you are dealing w/ this. I've never personally experienced this problem but my friend did... and she swears by the Huggies OVERNIGHT diapers. You might want to try them. Good luck!
I do point his penis down. I tried that 1st thinking maybe I wasnt doing it or something.
The Huggies baby dry only comes in size 3 and he is a size 2 but I really want to try them.
I do point his penis down. I tried that 1st thinking maybe I wasnt doing it or something.
The Huggies baby dry only comes in size 3 and he is a size 2 but I really want to try them.
Baby dry is different... here is a link to the ones my friend uses. But, unfortunately they only start at size 3. Check the weight limit though... maybe your LO is at the overlap weight and you could try them out.
I started my LO belly sleeping last week and she's now soaking through her Pampers Size 2. I also wonder if it's product "engineering". I was also thinking of trying Overnight diapers. GL.
TTC#1 2003, 5 angels above, IVF-PGS-FET, DD b. Aug-2011
TTC#2 2012/13? FET
Someone just posted about this on my month board. I think that now since LO are sleeping on their tummy, the pee is being pushed out of the diaper just by the weight of them. My mom had suggested these inserts. We got them and haven't had anymore leaks. The package we got is 30 and was only a few bucks! Here's the link.
Owyn Russell - August 10, 2011
Lily Ann - March 22, 2016