Babies: 3 - 6 Months

HELP!!!!!! LO pees through diapers EVERY NIGHT

My LO is almost 4 mos old - he is a belly sleeper (not sure if this has anything to do w/ it). I have to change his PJs and his sheets EVERY SINGLE morning b/c he is soaked with pee

He is wearing size 2 diapers now - recently switched. I have tried huggies & pampers swaddlers.

Its killing me!!!  between his reflux and pee we go through 3 outfits a day

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Re: HELP!!!!!! LO pees through diapers EVERY NIGHT

  • I'm sorry you are dealing w/ this. I've never personally experienced this problem but my friend did... and she swears by the Huggies OVERNIGHT diapers. You might want to try them. Good luck! :)

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  • I bumped my LO up to size 3s at 3 months because 50% of his diapers were leaking/exploding, and that put a stop  to his accidents (even though by weight he should have been wearing 2s).  Maybe you should try moving him up as well, especially if he's close to the weight limit of size 2s.  By the way, do you point the penis down when you put on his diaper?
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  • imageDahyenu:
    I bumped my LO up to size 3s at 3 months because 50% of his diapers were leaking/exploding, and that put a stop  to his accidents (even though by weight he should have been wearing 2s).  Maybe you should try moving him up as well, especially if he's close to the weight limit of size 2s.  By the way, do you point the penis down when you put on his diaper?


    I do point his penis down. I tried that 1st thinking maybe I wasnt doing it or something.

    The Huggies baby dry only comes in size 3 and he is a size 2 but I really want to try them.

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  • imageDahyenu:
    I bumped my LO up to size 3s at 3 months because 50% of his diapers were leaking/exploding, and that put a stop  to his accidents (even though by weight he should have been wearing 2s).  Maybe you should try moving him up as well, especially if he's close to the weight limit of size 2s.  By the way, do you point the penis down when you put on his diaper?


    I do point his penis down. I tried that 1st thinking maybe I wasnt doing it or something.

    The Huggies baby dry only comes in size 3 and he is a size 2 but I really want to try them.

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  • Baby dry is different... here is a link to the ones my friend uses. But, unfortunately they only start at size 3. Check the weight limit though... maybe your LO is at the overlap weight and you could try them out.


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  • Ignore weight limits on packages - they don't mean much. I would move baby up a size.
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  • Yeah I would try moving LO up a size.
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  • HUGGIES OVERNIGHTS!!  I swear by them.  They can hold an insane amount of pee :)  My daughter is also a belly sleeper and she used to soak through her jammies every night too.  I asked around like you are doing and was told to try Huggies Overnights.  I haven't gone back since.  They are amazing! 
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  • I just wanted to let you know that my little guy is also a belly sleeper and he too, pees through every night! I'm going to take the advice of moving up to size 3s tonight. I hope it works!
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  • I would move up to size 3's and maybe only put that size on him during the night and use the 2's during the day (if they still fit him right) when you are able to change him constantly? Just a thought! Good Luck! 
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  • Pampers Extra Protection overnight diapers. I tried huggies overnights, and they kept bursting.
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  • I started my LO belly sleeping last week and she's now soaking through her Pampers Size 2.  I also wonder if it's product "engineering".  I was also thinking of trying Overnight diapers.  GL.

    TTC#1 2003, 5 angels above, IVF-PGS-FET, DD b. Aug-2011

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    TTC#2 2012/13? FET

  • Maybe try size 3 diapers. My LO is still a comfortable 2, but we put her in 3's at night because she pees so much. They seem to work and definitely hold a lot more.
  • I think I've tried all the diapers now....the best one's are the Pampers 12 Hour ones (they don't have that stip to tell you if it's wet, but who cares)....anyway, i've been getting the next size up and that seems to do the trick every time.....Pampers are the best in general.....the worst I've tried is Walmart's parent choice diapers (the wipes are fine) time it wasn't even 30 minutes before it soaked through! i couldn't believe it! i actually got to where i ended up not even use the rest of the Parent's Choice diapers I had they were so terrible.
  • Someone just posted about this on my month board.  I think that now since LO are sleeping on their tummy, the pee is being pushed out of the diaper just by the weight of them.  My mom had suggested these inserts.  We got them and haven't had anymore leaks.  The package we got is 30 and was only a few bucks! Here's the link.


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  • The pampers swaddlers size 3 and the pampers sensitive size 3 are really good. I use the swaddlers during the day and the sensitives at night because they are just a bit bigger than the swaddlers. I have found that as soon as Owyn reaches the middle weight of the diaper size I have to move him up as size for over night. He is one big pee machine Wink

    Owyn Russell - August 10, 2011

    Lily Ann - March 22, 2016
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  • imagedesdemona39:
    Pampers Extra Protection overnight diapers. I tried huggies overnights, and they kept bursting.
    This. DS wears 4 during the day (baby dry or cruisers) and size 5 extra protection at night. We were using size 5 baby dry at night but he leaked, extra protection are amazing! GL!


  • So I used a size 3 diaper with DS last night and...ta da! No leaks! Thanks for the advice and OP, I hope it works for you tooSmile
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