Babies: 3 - 6 Months

First Cold

So I think LO has his first cold. He slept a ton today(probably just wanted to ignore the relatives) ha! and he had his first runny nose. His cheeks were a little flushed too. I am thinking about taking him to the dr.s tomorrow just to have him checked. Does that seem a little over the top or should I just wait it out? I am not a frequent visitor at the drs either.  I didnt realize how bad I would feel when I noticed he seemed sick for the first time. It broke my heart.
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Re: First Cold

  • imageCrash Into Me:
    No immediate need for the doctor. If lo gets stufffy use saline drops and the snot sucker, elevate the head of the crib mattress, let lo sleep, and snuggle a little more.
    . This. Just watch for a fever. I wouldn't see an immediate need for the doctor unless he has a fever, the cold is effecting his breathing, or he has a bad cough. My LO had a few days of nasal congestion and dry cough, but it went away with very quickly. That being said, if you are really concerned, go ahead and see the doctor for peace of mind. Go with your Mommy instinct.
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