We are approaching 6 months. Currently we are only eating 1 TBSP of oatmeal 1/day (PM) plus 5x5.5oz. of formula during the day. I will likely add in another 1TBSP in the next week(AM).
At what point do you increase solids and decrease formula? Are you just letting baby guide you? I know we are a far ways from that but just curious to see what you all are doing and what your LO is eating?
Re: What (how much) are you feeding your 5 & 6 month olds?
I BF, but, he is 5 months old (yesterday), and he gets 2 or 3 6 oz bottles at daycare (usually only 2), and nurses 3 or 4 more times at home (he ends up eating 6 times a day, not including solids). He gets 1TBSP of cereal or oatmeal at daycare and then we do 1oz of some veggie at home for dinner.
Picture courtesy of Heidi Keene Photography
J is a big guy and loves to eat. His schedule...
7am: 6oz bottle
10am: 4oz bottle/2tbsp oatmeal/1 jar fruit
1pm: 6oz bottle
4pm: 4oz bottle/2tbsp oatmeal/1 jar veggie
7pm: 6oz bottle