Thank you so much for all of your replies. I truly am taking all of your opinions into consideration. Obviously, it is a decision that I have to make for my family, but it is great to read different points of view on the matter. I can't get un-biased opinions like that from my family. The update i have is actually GREAT news for me. I just got off the phone with my boss. He let me know that going per diem (where I can pretty much work as much or little as I want) is absolutely an option. Honestly, working one overnight shift each weekend would basically bring my pay almost up to what it was before LO. The pay per hour is actually more than what I was making before. I have to look into health insurance options, but financially I know that this is now a very feasible option. Technically, I could make more money than I was making before if I feel like picking up both weekend nights occasionally. I would lose my seniority, but even with 4.5 years, I was the bottom of the line there. We have had three rounds of layoffs since I started, and I would probably be the first to go if it happened again. The per diems don't fit into the lay-offs because they are non-union. Gotta go. Baby is waking up. Just wanted to share the news. No permanent decision yet, but things are looking good.
Re: Update: Big Decision and Calling All Nurses posts
That's great news! I hope it all works out for you. And I totally get the seniority stuff...I have the least seniority on days in my unit...I've been there almost 5 years and am the youngest on days. Thankfully, there have been no layoffs around this area.
Nursing really is a great career and very flexible if you need it to be.