Before the time change, DS was going to bed anywhere from 7:30 to 8ish and waking up for the day at about 6:30. Now, DS is very ready for bed at 6 pm. He will still sleep until 6am, and getting up early is not a problem. The problem is that DH is not home from work until 6:30-7. So he only sees DS in the morning for about an hour. DH is very understanding and wants what is best for DS, but I know it makes him sad. : (
We have tried a catnap at 6pm but we have to wake him up at 7 for his last bottle and he is cranky until we put him back in the bed.
Suggestions on pushing back bedtime, please!
Re: 6 o'clock bedtime. Please help if you can!
No suggestions here, I can only offer my sympathy since Abby is now going to bed at 7 and the earliest I can get home is 6:30.
I've tried to keep her up a little later, but she gets too cranky and I don't want to push it so I go with it for now. For me, I am trying to find a different job but trying to be thankful I have mine for now.
My Birth Story
Definitely this. We tried it a couple times & it's been working. OP, we were in the exact same boat as you including when DH gets home from work. Now DD is going to bed between 8 & 9. She always wakes up about an hour after she goes down anyway so we treated that wakeup as a nap if she needed to sleep by 6pm. I used to have issues getting her to take later naps anyway but she seems to welcome them now after a couple days of trying.
Hi! I've been lurking here for awhile, I have a 3month old daughter.
We had the same problem, so here's what we've done. It may not work for you, but our daughter is an excellent sleeper.
LO goes to bed around 6 and then we all get up about 5:15am and play/talk/have coffee with one another until its time for DH and I to get ready for work (around 7am). LO is wide awake and really happy to play and giggle. She gets her bath some mornings around this time, too.
We've also woken her up to play with her. I know, I know, never wake up a sleeping baby; but I was so depressed from not seeing her. We got her up at like 10:30pm, gave her a small bottle and played for about an hour. She went right back to sleep, slept until 5:30ish and then had her regular naps throughout the day. So it was NBD.
Do whats best for you and your family. Good luck!
We also get DS up sometimes about 10. He is all smiles and so cuddly. We change his diaper and lay him back down and he falls immediately back to sleep-even without a bottle. It's the weirdest thing!! We video taped him last week and it is so cute!
I have no solutions but we're in the same boat. Actually, I'm the one walking in the door from work at 6pm. I also BF so my DH tries to hold him off from sleeping until I get home but that's not always the case and I end up pumping sometimes (ugh!).
He sleeps from 6-6 (sometimes until 7). He does get a good amount of sleep during the day at daycare. I just think this is his normal body clock. DS1 only slept (and still does) 10 hours at night and has always gone to bed at 8. I hope DS2 eventually gets to this time too. But for now, DS1 loves that he has me and DH attention all to himself from 6-8pm.