Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Canine or Lateral Incisor First Tooth?

I wrote awhile ago that my DS may be teething--still not sure bc his symptoms are what any baby his age has-chewing on hangs, slobbery, fussy etc. However he has had these 2 kind of red irritated bumps on opposite sides of his lower gum area like teeth may appear there. But if he did get his first teeth there it would be either his canine teeth or lateral incisors which makes me question what the bumps are :/ Anyones LO's get these as their first teeth? TIA!
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Re: Canine or Lateral Incisor First Tooth?

  • DS1's teeth came in a very normal progression, but DS2 has two canines RIGHT below the skin (can see the white bumps) and the other two aren't far behind.  So strange.
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  • My DS is definitely getting his bottom molars on both sides. so I guess any of them can come through first even if its less common.
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