Babies: 3 - 6 Months

I broke down last night :-(

I gave my baby some formula before bed last night... I rocked her for over an hour and layed with her and nursed her (which is usually how she goes to bed) but she wasn't going to sleep... I am feeling really guilty for "taking the easy way out" so to speak... After the formula and a burp she went right to sleep ... do you think she might not be getting full anymore from just me? :-( anyhow feeling a bit defeated today .. hope you ladies are having a better one
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Re: I broke down last night :-(

  • Don't feel bad, I had to do the same thing. The only pumped milk I had was in the freezer and we had some ready to use cartons in the pantry just sitting there. I have been having really slow let down lately and DS is getting really impatient and fussy at bedtime... he was crying and crying and not latching, so I gave him a bottle. I have been thinking lately that he may be more distracted during the day, so not drinking as much, and maybe my supply has gone down. Hope you have a better night tonight!
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  • I don't have an answer for you, but I just wanted to say you have nothing to feel badly about. I know many women who wanted to breastfeed but ended up doing formula, and that is okay. You are giving your baby food, whether it is breastmilk or formula, and that is what she needs. As long as you are trying to make your baby happy and comfortable and healthy you are a good momma, and you shouldn't feel defeated. Hugs!
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  • It happens to the best of us! We've tried to give DS formula twice, unsuccessfully. He hates it, and he screams bloody murder! There's been a few times that we've had to give him a bottle of breast milk to go to sleep because of teething. That wasn't what I wanted to do, because I was right there but hey, he went to sleep, and was a happier baby for it. Don't feel bad about giving LO formula. Maybe it's a growth spurt, or maybe she's teething and a bottle is just easier for you. Don't worry though, it probably will pass!
  • Don't feel badly at all.  DD got a bottle of formula each night before bed.  It could be a supply thing, it could be a growth spurt, or she could have just been having an off night.  If you are worried about your supply there are lots of things you can do to try to increase it.  If you do want to keep breastfeeding, though, remember you need to pump any time you give baby a bottle (breastmilk or formula) instead of nursing or your supply will go down.  

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  • Dont feel badly at all, i EBF for 2 months and wondered why i had such a cranky baby, started supplimenting with formula and he completly changed, whatever makes them happy is what you need to do!

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  • Don't feel bad, most women's supply is lowest at the end of the day, and often that is when you want LO to eat the most.

    I have always pumped at night while my DH feeds our LO the bottle I pumped the night before. It is a good chance for DH to get some quality time with him (he works long hours) and also gives me a chance to veg for a few minutes on my own. My supply is so low at night I have to pump again after dinner to get the same amount LO eats, but for me it is the best way to get him what he needs and still stick to breast milk.

  • No one should have to feel guilty for wanting her baby not to feel hungry.
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