Babies: 3 - 6 Months

dry winter skin

Do you put lotion on your LO? If so, how often and what kind. I have read contradicting reports of using lotion so I am curious what those on here are doing.
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Re: dry winter skin

  • I put Cetaphil cream on DS twice a day, per my doctor's instruction.  Have been doing so since he was about 2 weeks old and started getting baby acne.  
    Finally updating my signature and avatar, August 29, 2011 (better late than never!) Jake! (born July 3, 2011 - 6 days past due) Image and video hosting by TinyPic December Siggy Challenge: Favorite Holiday Movie Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Do they make Cetaphil for babies or is it the regular kind? I would of never thought to use that since there are so many baby products. Funny to hear all the suggestions from different pedi.s
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  • Regular grown-up Cetaphil.  My first pediatrician recommended it, the thick cream that comes in a jar, not the lotion with the pump (just because the cream is thicker and more moisturizing.)  

    My second pediatrician (we switched practices) said to use either Cetaphil, Cerave, or Aquaphor, again the thick cream in a jar.  Again, the regular grown-up kind.  

    We actually use the Walgreens version of the Cetaphil cream. 

    Finally updating my signature and avatar, August 29, 2011 (better late than never!) Jake! (born July 3, 2011 - 6 days past due) Image and video hosting by TinyPic December Siggy Challenge: Favorite Holiday Movie Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • i just started using J&J on DD, normally i put it on after bath. I have to feel it out though, sometimes she has dry patches and other times she's soft and smooth. I've heard that it's best to lotion right after bath to help lock the moisture in.
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