I don't know if this question has already been asked but I have noticed everyone is saying their four MO's are eating every 4 hours. My DS is still eating every 2 hours 4 ounces at a time. He won't eat more than that I've tried. sometimes he will wait an hour and want another 2 ounces. He is about 16 pounds now. I know every baby is different, but is anyone elses 4 MO eating every 2 hours still?
Re: how often do 4 month olds eat?
My LO eats every 2-ish hours. We do 3.5oz bottles at daycare. I prefer this over giving bigger bottles less often, it will just expand her belly and she'll always want more food to feel full. I don't know if that's true but it sounds good to me. :-)
Are you EBF?
This almost exactly...and my LO is only 3 months.